Ch 10 | Wants To Escape

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When Lam went back to his faculty, it was time to attend a class. So he went to class and didn't think about that hickey again.

"Where were you?" Kiet, who was sitting beside him, asked this.

Lam didn't hear him at first, when Kiet shook him only then did he hear his question.

Absentmindedly he replied. "Went out to eat."

"Could it be that your fanboy came again." Ram added in between their conversation.

Hearing the word fanboy, Lam's eyebrows furrowed. "He is not my fanboy." He didn't understand why but a bitter test left on his tongue as he said the truth.

Kiet patted his shoulder. "We know dude, it'll be funny if you really had one."

Both Kiet and Ram started laughing at it.

Lam repeated the said sentence in his mind. It'll be funny if he really had one?

"Why?" Unknowingly, he asked it out loud. He was sure he meant to only say it in his mind but when it came out he didn't know. 

Now that he did ask it, somehow he wants to hear their reply.

Why can't he have any fanboy?

He is pretty sure of his looks and intelligence, his physique is better than most of the guys here.

Then why can't he have anyone secretly loving him?

When Kiet and Ram heard his question they stopped laughing, they only said this as a joke and didn't mean it, but now that Lam asked this question, they don't know how to reply.

"Because in this society everyone is selfish. Such thing as unconditional love doesn't exist." Forth said in a low voice.

Lam tried to understand what Forth meant, but... What does this have any relation to someone being his fanboy?

Kiet and Ram were in same confusion when Daw came to rescue.

"He meant that when Lam, who, let alone socializing with someone new, doesn't even look at them. Always keeping everything to himself. When he is like this, any person, even if they were at first interested in him, later knowing him they will just give up. That is what Forth meant."

"That does sound true." Ram nodded his head at Daw.

Kiet also spoke. "It's same as how we stopped asking him to play games since he always says no." He laughed then got a smack by Daw.

In the end those three started bickering more, attracting the professor's attention and receiving punishment.

While they were scolded by the professor, Lam was thinking about Forth and Daw's words.

He also find them correct. He has always been by himself, if not for his fighting skills, attracting Forth's attention, and the other three having nonchalant personality, then he wouldn't even have any person as his friend here.

The first time he met Park, at his university concert, Park tried to chat with him, if it were the usual him then Lam would have ignored the other person, not even turning to look at their face, but that day, perhaps because of Forth and Beam ditching him, he didn't mind having another person's company.
Later he even went ahead with Park's invitation and did those things with him.

If that day he hadn't talked with Park, would Park still come to him? Of course not. Forth is right, everyone here has a brain.
People with even a little bit of sense wouldn't go where they aren't welcomed.

Park also wouldn't have come to Lam, if Lam hadn't shown any interest in him.

This much Lam understood. He understood that it is not like no one likes him, it is more like he never was interested in anyone.

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