Ch 16 | Too Stort Winter Holidays

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"So basically, mine and Forth's relationship is quite... I don't know the correct word... healthy? Well whatever. In simple words we can access each other's phones, laptops, etc." Beam was trying hard to explain. Sitting inside a cafe he talked as Lam sipped loudly on his coffee.

"That day Forth had my phone, I was laying beside him watching videos on his phone, then he saw your message. And he literally didn't understand why you would send pictures of you and your boyfriend to me. And you see it's not his fault, anyone in his place will be in the same confusion. Because you aren't my friend, you are his friend, so why would you send your photos to me."

"Because you sent yours to me?" Lam answered.

As soon as Beam heard him, he put a finger on his lips. "Shhh... Don't say it out loudly!"

Lam opened his mouth to tell him that they are sitting in a corner where no one is around them. At the same time he wanted to ask why they need to keep their voice down, it's not like they are talking about some top secret. But before he could spoke Beam said.

"Walls have ears."

Lam, "..."

In the end he decided to behave like he doesn't have a mouth.

"Yes, I sent you photos of me and Forth." Beam spoke putting his chin on his hand as he looked straight at Lam. "But that's something that only you know, I know, my friends know, your boyfriend knows, but Forth doesn't know."

Lam, "..."

He will never understand why most of the times he cannot get what Beam says.

Beam was oblivious of Lam's confusion and continued his words. "That is because, as you might already know, Forth doesn't like to post his photos on social media. From that I can guess that he doesn't share his photos to others either. Of course I am the only exception. However, I am kind of a showy guy, I want to show off to others, I want others to see how best my boyfriend is."

Stopping here he sighed, Lam didn't say anything, he has given up on understanding Beam's words. Right now he was busy slurping the coffee.

"In this regard both I and Forth has contrasting view. So I decided to not post our photos on my social media account either. But to calm my showy side I send those photos to you and my friends. My friends are already used to it so most of the time they ignore my messages, that's why I started sending them to you too."

There was another reason, he wanted Lam and his friends to be a little jealous of his love life, but that is something that shouldn't be said out loud. Even if the whole world feels the same way, they would still judge the person who speaks it out.

These thoughts make Beam not say the truth to Lam, though he feels Lam will not judge him but still, he will take no risk!

"Forth doesn't know about it, I deleted all the chats after sending those photos. So when you sent your photo Forth just saw a chat screen where there was not a single message of greetings, but a photo of your boyfriend with you."

Beam stopped, looking at Lam for him to speak. Lam perceived his eyes and finally let go of the straw that has been in his mouth since the starting. Thinking a little he finally asked.

"If your relationship is... healthy? As you said. Then why would you delete your chat?"

Lam looked at Beam innocently with this confusion in his eyes.

Beam stared back at him and finally couldn't control himself from banging his hand on the table. "Damn! Is this what you wanna ask?! After the whole story?"

Not understanding Beam's sudden enrage, Lam simply put the straw back in his mouth, drinking his coffee.

"That's privacy!" Beam saw Lam didn't change his question so he leaned back to answer grumpily. "No matter how close lovers are they should always have their privacy. If I don't want him to see something, then that's totally fine!"

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