Ch 45 | We'll Make It

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"You should go back, don't miss your classes." Lam said so as he got off from Park's bike, handing his helmet to Park.

Park gave him an unamused look, "We had this talk last night."

Last night after Lam stopped crying they discussed everything they wanted to do and change. Since Lam had already calmed down, he said that he wants to spend more time with Park but doesn't want to affect his studies or the part time job.

After a long discussion the whole night they decided to live together. Of course it cannot be done in just one day, so for now they have to make do with having their lunches together.

Feeling helpless Park rubbed Lam's head, messing his hair, "Wait for me here, I'll be on time."

Lam nodded, taking a step back he stared at Park, when Park raised his eyebrow Lam stepped forward and kissed Park.

"Wow." Park let out after that sweet kiss.

They are in a public area but Lam didn't care about it, talk about progress!

"Fuck you!" Someone cursed behind them, making both of their smiles falter.

Lam turned back to look, no, glare at whoever it was.

And there were the two seniors Park and Lam had conflict with.

"Bastard! You are making out with him here while your junior who helped you is getting punished!"

"What losers!"

Both the seniors yelled but didn't stay for enough time to hear back a reply, they were clearly heading somewhere in a hurry.

Park sighed, they finally made a progress and some guys came to turn it into a regress.

"Hey babe, ignore those shi-" Before Park could complete his words Lam ran off, leaving behind the words that Park should go back.

Seeing Lam running behind those seniors Park became tense, he thought Lam was going to beat them; however the truth was something totally different.

What those seniors said hinted Lam that perhaps the junior they were talking about is the junior he's thinking about. And why the punishment? Lam can only think of one thing: yesterday's fight.

He didn't run behind the seniors instead went to the usual table in the canteen where all his friends sit. There he saw Kit and Ming making a racket.

"Who the fuck told you to go watch the fight?!" Kit yelled while sitting on the table.

Ming didn't answer, his face was already pale.

Beam was the one who answered, "It was you who asked him if he wanted to go."

"That doesn't mean he had to go! And even if you went why the hell did you have to be caught by the guards?!" By the end of the question he started pulling his hair.

Kiet was snickering behind them, "Only he was caught, the person who didn't even fight."

At his reminder the guys surrounding them also started laughing.

"What happened?" Lam asked Beam.

"Nothing much," Beam replied. "Just Ming being Ming."

Lam cocked up his eyebrow at this.

Beam explained. "In yesterday's fight, every single person ran away from the guards but Ming. When they asked for his ID he gave it. Now if he wants his ID back he can take it from his professor."

"He wouldn't receive much punishment." Lam said since they don't have proof of Ming having a hand in the fight.

"That would have been the case but apparently some guys went ahead and broke the front glass of that same professor's car. Now she's in a terrible mood where she wants Ming to repeat a year."

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