Ch 14 | Winter Holidays

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Today is Saturday, no college. Hesitatingly Lam sent a message to Park. "You free?"

He had to wait patiently for Park to read the message. Only after an hour did the reply came. "Exam. This Monday."

After that Lam sent an "Oh," ending the chat there.

He wanted to meet Park; this week other than having lunch together one time they hadn't met each other.
Though they started chatting through texts but both of them are not used to sending messages all day long so at most 5 to 6 messages are all what they send in a day.

It is not like Lam absolutely miss Park, it's just that he... wanted to see his face. And have some kisses, that's all.

Since Park has exams Lam threw this idea out of his mind. Next week he has exams too so he better focus on that.

As he took out his books he saw his mobile screen light up. Going ahead he noticed Park has sent another message.

"If it's about pleasuring you, then dear I've to apologize, right now my mother has locked me in a tower. This princess cannot go outside to see the world and calls forth the prince to come save me~"

Lam, "..."

What kind of new kink is this?

Sending rows of question marks, he asked what this is about.

"It's a story about some princess movie my sister is watching right now." Park replied.

Lam, "You sure got free time for someone who has to take exams."

Park, "Here, you got it."

Lam, "?"

Park, "This princess is locked up and have too much free time, so she wants the prince to come save her~"

Seeing him calling himself a princess Lam couldn't help letting out a chuckle. This guy is really shameless. "Don't you have to study?"

Another reply came instantly. "I am tired of it. Taking a break for a while."

Lam also replied back instantly. "It'll take me 2 hours to come at the least, so go study now and take a break when I come."

"Hoo... are you ordering me?"

Lam smiled reading this. "I am."

"Fine. The princess is going to her room and waiting for the prince to come fast!"


Ending the chat here, Lam got up to get ready. When he came out he saw another message from Park.

"Wait, my sister said this movie doesn't have any prince, the hero is actually a thief!"

Lam, "..."

Another message came from Park. "Come and steal me handsome thief~~"

Once again, "..."

He better ignore this person.

After that it didn't take him long to come out the room and start his bike.

After one and half hour, Lam was standing outside Park's house. He called Park and waited for him to come out.
Who came in the end was the maid. She led Lam to come inside and like last time went to the kitchen to fetch fresh juice for the guest.

Lam was standing near the stairs and soon heard the loud rushing footsteps sound coming from above.
He looked up and saw Park gesturing him to come up. Before Lam could go above, Park's mother's voice came.

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