Ch 8 | Met His Eyes

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There are no windows inside Lam's room, only a very small balcony to dry the clothes. So when the morning came, sunlight only came inside from the balcony, it didn't land on Lam's face, but Lam still woke up feeling the warmth inside the room.

After waking up he realized the warmth wasn't from the sun, but from the person who was stuck close to him.

Park's whole body was sticking to Lam, his hands were circling Lam's chest, and his legs were tangled with Lam's.

Waking up in this manner was really... unpleasant.

It was a good thing winter is coming or else he doesn't know how he would have survived this sticking hot body when he doesn't even have an AC in his room.

Lam moved Park's hands from his chest and kicked his legs away too, but too bad his single size bed couldn't place Park away from him. So giving up on sleeping again, Lam got up from the bed.

He was very careful about his body when he was getting up, but it turns out Lam's lower half is totally alright, not feeling any discomfort!

Then his eyes caught sight of the lube bottle laying on the floor, and two used condoms thrown by the door. Well he should thank these things for saving his ass from tearing up.

Yesterday, Park came fully prepared. Not just making sure to buy condoms but he even remembered to get lube bottle without any flower scent!

Though if you ask Lam what he is gonna do with this extra big bottle of lube, then he won't be able to answer.
As for why Park directly bought this extra big size bottle which they obviously couldn't finish in a night... he don't want to think about that either.

Lam was really grateful that Park didn't injure him this time, and didn't bite either, though it was still aching while walking, and he can feel he wouldn't be able to sit for long in this ache.

With a little weird walking style, Lam went to the bathroom and took a shower. Coming out he went out to the little porridge shop near his dorm. The little girl in the shop was helping her mother this early in the morning. When she saw Lam she happily yelled. "Brother Lam!" Like always.

Lam didn't sit on any table, just ordering breakfast and standing close by to wait for it.

The little girl came to him. "Brother, brother, why didn't you order dinner last night?" She asked as Lam usually orders dinner from their shop every weekend, but yesterday he ate with Park and others.

"I ate with my friends." Lam answered.

The little girl understood. "Oh, so you weren't in your place." Lam nodded. The little girl continued talking. "Mom made your food but you didn't order so yesterday we ate extra!" The little girl was happy to eat more, she didn't know that basically they had business loss.

Lam went back to the counter with large strides. And said to the middle aged auntie standing there. "Auntie, if there is any leftover food from yesterday that you made for me, please pack that too, I'll eat it at lunch time."

The middle age lady laughed loudly. "What leftover food? My Pam alone ate all of that. You don't have to worry."

Hearing her, Lam said again. "Then from now on I'll tell in advance. About tonight too, I am not sure right now."

The lady nodded and gave Lam the packed porridge that he ordered. "It's okay, it's okay." She said while smiling.

After leaving the shop, Lam came back again in five minutes, this time other than the package he had two lollipops in his hands. He gave one to Pam, the little girl. She jumped up receiving this gift.

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