Ch 19 | Loosened Fists

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"When it all started I didn't realize the small wind will be the storm of today." Came the voice from the mobile phone. 

"He was my boyfriend at that time, we were living together, one day he came home looking really down. On his new job his boss scolded him harshly. I told him everything will be fine, I was trying to console him, when suddenly he turned his boss' anger at me and slapped me. It all happened so out of the blue that both of us didn't react for a good while. After that he apologized to me, he was really sincere in it. He even did the house chores, bought me flowers the next day and on Sunday we went to a really expensive restaurant to eat.

His apology made me forgive him; after all it was just a slap. And everyone knows men tend to be aggressive in pressure so I didn't think much of it.

But then it continued, one month later the same thing happened, it was the same whole process of the last time. But this time I got a bruise. For a week I didn't step outside my door, in fear of others seeing it.
I fought him on it, saying if he continued this then we won't be able to remain the same. He again apologized to me, this time his effort made me wonder that maybe getting hit by him was actually a blessing in disguise. I was love sick.

Then nothing happened, we married, went to honeymoon, had a child, everything was perfect. It was like my favorite dream; I still love to remember it.

But good things come to an end. His company went under a reform, he again was under pressure, every night he would come and scold Flora for playing. I thought it was a usual father's education. But then he started scolding me too; he said I do nothing other than spending his money. His yelling continued day by day, I couldn't help but talk back to him one night, and then it all started, he hit me again, this time slapped me many times."

"What is he watching?" Ming, who came to go with Forth to the medical faculty, saw Lam watching a video on YouTube, but the thing is Lam wasn't using any ear plugs. The voice coming from the mobile was loud and everyone in the close range could hear him.

Though nobody told him to shut it.

Kiet who was listening to it seriously, made a hush gesture at Ming. Ram also had his ears to that phone. Only Daw answered him, "Watching a domestic violence documentary."

"Why suddenly?" He asked again but no one answered this time, because no one knows.

Since he didn't get any reply he continued speaking. "But aren't most videos on YouTube fake? They make videos on anything just to raise their viewers and subscribers."

As soon as Ming said this, the voice coming from the mobile stopped. Lam paused the video and finally raised his face from his mobile screen, only to stare at Ming.

Ming knew he made a mistake, so he tried to explain his point of view. "I mean, brother Lam just think why would anyone continue to get torture for years but still won't leave that person! Isn't it fake?"

The more he spoke the more Lam's expression turned cold. Ming planned on running away but Lam was faster and came in front of him in a second. Ming gave a yelp and closed his eyes, ready to receive a kick but the awaited kicks didn't come.

He opened his eyes and saw a board back in front of him, looking at the face of the person he saw his messiah, Forth.

Forth was talking on his phone previously, after the call he saw that Lam was coming closer to hit Ming. Before knowing he was already standing in between them. "You forgot?"

He was reminding about the rule he made, no one is to mess with Ming since Ming is helping him.

Lam didn't really forget it, but right now he wanted to beat that Ming up, for taking domestic violence not seriously, just like the him of two days ago.

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