Ch 33 | Change In The Surroundings

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The three weeks of holidays were gone before they even knew it. Two people having two different jobs with different timing is really something to shake the relationships.

However every night when they came back home, to Lam's dorm, and found the other sleeping or showering, they couldn't help feeling like a family.

Over the holidays whenever they got weekends off their jobs, they would stay at home and talk a lot. Especially Lam, he started loving talking, he would want to listen to Park speaking about random stuff, then he would start talking about his family, he doesn't remember much, but there are some memories that doesn't leave.
Like how his mother loved to play the piano, how his father would coax her to play 'River Flows in You' song, how then they would flirt with each other.

Lam talked about every happy memory. Eventually Park asked him why he doesn't talk about his days in the orphanage, or the unhappy memories, Lam replied that he doesn't remember them much, 'cause every time something bad happens he would simply go into a blank state, not really taking anything in.

After that Park didn't touch this topic again.

Little by little as they spent their days Lam even started talking about how he has started discussing their relationship stuff with Beam.

"I didn't have a clue that we were dating, it was Beam who told me to ask you directly, so I called you. It was during the time you had secretly started your job. When you said yes we're dating, I was really happy."

Park smiled at him as he rubbed his back, thinking to himself 'when did it happen?' "Beam's the guy who gave you that novel to read, right?"

"Which novel?" Lam asked.

"The one whose plot you told me as a bedtime story."

"Should I complete the story now?"

"No. Please forget about it already." Park groaned and took him in his arms as he started chomping on his face, making him let out a laugh.

Once they were done messing around, Lam asked Park, "Can you tell me the date when we started dating? Beam said I should note it down for our relationship anniversary."

Park stared at him with a pitiful expression. How was he to know it? He didn't even know they were dating. But one thing was sure that Beam guy is trouble.

"Let's just go with the day we met." Park finally answered after a long pause.

"Why?" Lam asked.

Shrugging his shoulders Park said, "Well, that's the day we really started it all."

Thinking about it, Lam found this credible, he nodded to agree on it.

"It was 30 September." Park told him. Since that was the day they had that event in his university, he remembers it.

"OK, I'll remember it."

Everything was sugar and cakes these holidays, but once they ended, it became hard to separate. Lam tried to not overreact, keep his emotions in control, but he still couldn't see Park packing his bags.

Hugging him from behind, he didn't let Park turn back to face him. "Little Lam, are you crying?"

Lam didn't answer. Park forcefully got out of Lam's hold to turn back and hold him in his arms. "We will see each other over the weekends, I promise to keep them free. No job, no bars, no mom... no, let's cut the last one. I can't be sure of her."

A laugh came out of Lam's mouth; Park grabbed his face and made him look in the eye. "Whenever you feel like you can't handle it, tell me, I'll come running to you."

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