Ch 32 | Not Alone Again

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"Tell me Park do you even see me as your boyfriend?"

When Lam asked this he looked up to see Park's eyes. But when he saw Park's baffled expression he didn't understand it. Is Park surprised? By what? By him mentioning the word boyfriend? Could it be they really aren't boyfriend?

Before he could think anything more, he felt Park's arms hugging him tighter, "Of course!" Park shouted at the top of his lungs, surprising Lam with this.

"You are my boyfriend." Park said, "Really, really my boyfriend!"

"Why does it sound like you are saying this to yourself?" Lam asked, giving out a sniffle.

Park shook his head like a rattle, "No, I am telling it to you."

His wording, tone and behavior, all of it sounded suspicious to Lam. He was going to ask more questions, because all of them were suddenly popping out in his head. The questions that were never there, but after experiencing that today, those questions started coming to him.

'Park's a free soul, can he be bound in a relationship? Won't he get bored? Won't he just one day decide to go back to his life of one-night stands?'

The most deadly question was, does he even love him?

And Lam chose to ask this one first. "Do you love me?"

Park was stupefied this time, he blinked slowly, staring at Lam, those teary eyes that he never saw on Lam, that red nose, those lips which were wet from tears, then once again he looked back at Lam's eyes, this time looking inside those black eyes, so deep... Then it all came to him.

"Oh boy!" Came a gasp from his mouth.

Before Lam could even feel his heart breaking, Park grabbed his cheeks, came closer and kissed those lips, a soft kiss which he learnt from Lam.

Then pulling away he gazed into Lam's eyes and answered, "I love you."

A grin came onto his face as he declared, "I love you Lam. Oh gosh, I love you so much!"

Lam punched his chest lightly, "Can't believe you dared to smile right now!"

Park let out a laugh. He pulled Lam to his arms and buried him into his chest, dropping kisses on his head as he said again, "I love you so much and I am so sorry I made you feel like that. But trust me I don't feel shit about that guy. He's nothing compared to you."

"Given a punch in guts he would faint." Lam whispered, "But nobody asked you to compare us. I am asking why the fuck would you enjoy seeing them stripping!"

Park didn't answer, because the only answer in his mind is that he wasn't enjoying it, he was simply amused. However, he knows giving this answer will make Lam kick him in the shin.

So he remained quiet for a while to think carefully then he answered, "Probably... because I was thinking about doing that for you."

Lam looked up from his chest, staring at Park, then he couldn't control it and dug his teeth in Park's bicep.

Park's hold onto his waist tightened as he let out a yelp of pain. But he didn't shout at Lam, nor did he try to get himself free of his bite.

Once Lam was done he moved back to Park's chest, hiding his face in the crook of his neck. "Sorry for biting you." He mumbled.

Park kissed his temple as he soothingly rubbed his back, "It's alright, I've bit you more than this."

Lam sighed, he wanted to beat Park up, send some punches or kicks, because that is in his nature. To fight to control his emotions.

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