Ch 21 | Bedtime Story

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"When I came to visit you the first day, you were in the operating room, seeing your miserable state I was so angry... I just wanted to kill those people. How dare they make my Little Lam all black and blue. I knew at that time, no matter what, I had to settle scores with them! So it wasn't all for you, it was actually more for myself."

Late at night, all visitors had to leave, only one person can stay with the patient. Right now Park was staying with Lam. On the small patient bed, Lam was occupying more than half of the space, the pitiful small space was for Park. He had to lie on his side to fit there, still his face held a brilliant smile like everything was perfect.

When Lam heard his words, he couldn't stop himself from asking. "Who are you calling miserable?"

"This is what you are focusing on?" He pinched Lam's cheek, "You are in a miserable state, just look at yourself."

Lam glared at him, he doesn't want someone to call him miserable but he couldn't refute either as he indeed was in a miserable state.

Park poked his cheeks a few times before continuing his story.

After the video chat, Tul had gone back, and Park came, happily announcing he was free now, so he'll accompany Lam because he missed him too much.

This time Lam didn't doubt his words, later as everyone left and they were alone in the room he asked Park to sleep in the same bed. He didn't want to see him sitting on the chair all night. Park teased him about how Lam wasn't controlling himself and wanted him to climb his bed.

On any other day Lam would've left him to sleep on that chair the whole night after this teasing but today he was especially happy so raising his eyes he asked one last time if Park was coming or not.

Of course Park had to come.

Both of them couldn't sleep when finally they had the other beside them on bed, so they decided on talking. Lam asked how Park settled on taking revenge for him.

That was what Park answered. Saying he did it more for himself than for Lam.

"I went to your workplace again and asked them to show me the security footage which they obviously didn't show me as the police had taken it. But then your coworker told me about the gang and the location where they gather. He also told me how those four guys look like." Here he paused to sigh. "You better thank him later."

"How much money he took?" Lam asked. He knows his coworker's every trick.

Park remained silent, wanting to divert Lam from this question.

Lam snorted, from Park's expression he got it that this guy had his pockets emptied out.

"Let's not talk about this. You know how hard it was to find them? The location your coworker gave wasn't of use, they already stopped going there, since police started looking for them, they hid themselves cleverly. I had to ask my whole gang, and together we went to every little gang we could find. We fought with them to force their mouth open. I also took many days off from college."

When it came to this Park shut his mouth, looking grievously at Lam.

Using his uninjured hand Lam patted on his face in coaxing, at the same time he said the words which were opposite of coaxing. "Your mom will definitely find out."

Park grabbed that naughty hand and bit on it hard.

"Dog!" Lam scolded him, struggling to get his hand out of his mouth. But Park's grip was tight, Lam couldn't free his hand when he didn't have much strength.

He watched as Park after biting it started licking on it, then he grabbed his fingers, spread them, looking at them intently, kissing the tips of all of them.

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