Ch 44 | Please Believe It

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"Fuck! Who called the guards?!" Don't know who yelled but everyone right now wanted to ask this. 

"Run, run, run!" They all yelled as they ran away from the guards' hands. 

Anyone who was caught would definitely be kicked out of the university. 

In the middle of the fight suddenly running like that they didn't forget to kick the guys beside them just so a few of them fall down and get caught by the guards.

Park was also doing this, he was so engrossed in it that he forgot to see where the guys from his uni had run off to, where Max and Tul had gone off he didn't know either. 

He has to find a hiding spot but too bad this university is not his, he doesn't know which way to go. 

Just as the guards were about to catch him, saving a damsel in distress, Lam came and dragged him inside the university, they ran for a while before finding a closed club room to hide in.

Shutting themselves inside both of them made sure to not speak as they listened with focus on the stepping sound coming from outside. When the sound faded away both of them heaved a sigh. 

"Thank god you came." Park said as he slipped down, leaning his back on the door. 

When no reply came from Lam he turned to look at him, seeing him standing with a clear distance in between them, with his head bowed down, Park finally remembered they were in the middle of an argument. 

He scratched his head in awkwardness, not knowing where to start, should he apologize about fighting? Or ask him why he didn't send any messages? 

After giving it a thought, he gave up, simply leaving it up to Lam. "Why aren't you speaking?"

This time Lam replied instantly. "What do you want me to speak?" 


"I don't know what to say." Lam's voice became as low as a mosquito's. His head was still bowed down, looking at his feet, like a scolded child. 

Seeing him like this Park's remaining anger vanished. "Why did you help me? Aren't you afraid your seniors might see."

This time Lam looked up to stare at Park before replying. "Doesn't matter." After saying this lightly, he again averted his eyes. 

"How can it not matter? Your seniors will bully you now."

Lam didn't reply, making Park sigh. "Why didn't you join the fight?"

"Doesn't want to fight."


"Don't like it."

Park chuckled. "Helping me is the same as fighting against your seniors."

As Lam went back to stay silent, Park sighed. "You can go against your seniors for me but didn't send me a message this whole week."

Park closed his eyes and leaned his head on the wall, facing the ceiling. When Lam saw him like this, he wanted to go and sit beside him. However, he knew if he went closer to him he might not be able to control himself. 
He felt really wronged, for this he just wanted to hug Park and... just tightly hug him.

"I broke my phone." Lam replied after a full five minutes of silence. 

Surprise was on Park's face, "How?" 

This... Lam didn't want to tell this to Park. His lips pursed as he was reminded of it. 

That day when Park left Lam couldn't stay put, he wanted to go to Park's place but was afraid Park wouldn't want to see him. So standing in the middle of the road he took out his phone to hesitate between calling him or not. 

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