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Chapter 37: It's time to focus on the present and not the past


Harry's arm had healed, meaning he was able to be released from the cast. Going to the doctors was his first outing since the bakery that day when Louis had come in, he was too scared to leave his house now. He wasn't going to school, he told Barbara he couldn't work for a while and he was stuck at home, only getting visits from Arthur.

"So," Arthur pushes the door open, a balloon in his hand. Harry startles from where he was reading his book and looks up, shaking his head fondly at the man. "I brought you a balloon..."

"I see that." Harry pushes himself up off the bed, thankful the pain in his body was almost all gone. He shuffled over to Arthur, who hands him the blue balloon. "Why did you get me a balloon, Arth?"

"In celebration. You now have your wanking hand back." He pretends to tear up and wipes under his eye. "I bet it's been so hard for you," he pretends to sob and pulls Harry in for a hug. "Pun intended."

"Oh, shut up," Harry hits his shoulder and goes to pull his hand away, but Arthur catches it and pulls Harry closer, causing the boy to drop the balloon, which floats up to the ceiling and he places his hands on Arthur's hips. They lean forward and Arthur instantly captures Harry's lips in his own, moaning a little.

"Mum and Lesley aren't home," Harry breathes out, clinging to the back of Arthur's neck and squeezing his hip tightly. The blue-eyed boy whimpers and pulls away, grabbing onto Harry's hand and dragging him to the bed. Arthur lays on the edge and pulls Harry between his legs.

"Do you want to?" Arthur asks, groaning when Harry grabs the back of his thighs in his large hands.



"Can I speak to you, mum?" Harry whipsers to her, as she sits on the couch in the loungeroom, looking through her phone. Anne looks up, her face dropping when seeing Harry's upset one. She nods. "I've been thinking," he moves to sit next to her. "I am eighteen now... I want to move."

"What?" Anne swallows thickly and searches Harry's face in hope it is a joke. "Harry, no..."

"I need to finish school. I need to make something of myself. If I continue to live here, I will not be able to. I want to move to London and finish my studies there." Harry begs her, his eyes tearing up.

"Can't we think about this-"

"I have. And I am going, mum," Harry tells her, his voice no longer begging. With or without her support, he is going, he just wanted a chance to see what she thought of the idea...

"I have a friend in London," she grabs onto Harry's hands. "Will you please stay with her? I spoke to her when you were in hospital and she said if we needed to move, her house was always open... Her name is Debbie, Debbie Edwards. She has a daughter named Perrie."

"I remember her," Harry whispers and looks down at his hands. "If she is okay with it, I will. But don't make her feel like she has to, I can look after myself."

"Okay. We will work it all out," Anne pulls him in for a hug. "I'm sorry it has come to this. I love you so much, Harry. I only want what is best for you."

"I love you, mum."


Harry packed one suitcase full of things, leaving everything else behind. He didn't want to take much, he wanted to start fresh.

It had been a week since he told his mother he wanted to leave, and Debbie was more than happy for him to stay with her. And Harry wanted to be happy himself, but leaving his home behind just made him feel weak. He takes one last look around his room and steps forward when his eye catches the school photo hung up.

He steps forward and runs his finger over Louis softly, a deep frown on his face. Harry would never admit it to anyone, but he had secretly hoped that maybe one day, Louis would grow to like him. That he would sit down next to Harry at lunch and make conversation with him, or he would come over to study. Harry just wanted to make Louis smile and for Louis to like him. But it would never happen, and the thought made Harry's heart clench.

"Bye, Lewis," he whispers.


"You're really leaving me," Arthur jokes and wipes his eyes to rid of tears. The two stand at the train station, which Anne had just dropped Harry off at. After a little begging, she left him alone with Arthur, crying her eyes out as she drove away, with a promise she would come to London within the next week.

"I am," Harry drops his bag and cups Arthur's cheeks, leaning forward to press his lips against the blue-eyed boy's own. "I'll visit though and we can call all of the time," Harry whispers to him, crouching a little to look up at him as Arthur stares down. "I know it won't be the same..."

"I really like you, Haz." Arthur presses his head against Harry's chest, sniffling softly against it. The curly-haired boy just wraps his arms around the other and tears up himself, pressing his lips to Arthur's fluffy hair.

"I like you too, so much. You have been the best person I have ever met."


Harry steps onto the train and finds a seat on the quiet, empty train, he looks out the window and waves at Arthur, who sadly waves back, his lips twitched into a frown. Not long later, the train pulls away from the station. Harry rests his head on the window, cooling his heated skin as he begins to cry softly, wishing he was someone different.

Once giving the man his ticket, Harry pulls out his old, rugged journal, that's filled with every important thought he had ever had, every lyrics he had ever wrote, marks for everytime Louis smiled at him and other marks, for everytime Louis had hurt him and that took up a lot of pages.

He opens a free page near the end of the book and grabs his pen out, beginning to write.

"It's time to focus on the present and not the past"

A/N: It is time to focus on the present now... This was our final past chapter for this book, but don't worry there is still plenty of chapters to go... There will still be heaps of information about the past, but these will now be combined with the present! xo

I am not really happy with this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

Let me know your thoughts! What will happen next? x

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