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Chapter 6: Cupcakes


Harry grins as his hand finds the doorbell. It rings and he steps back, hands securely holding the box of cupcakes he had made. He bounces on his feet when the door opens, a smiling Perrie behind it.

"Hazza!" She yells out, rushing to Harry. Perrie wraps her arms around him, careful not to knock the baked goods. "You will love her, H! She is a week old today, you know?"

Harry chuckles and pulls away from the hug, allowing himself to be tugged into the warm house. He looks around, noticing it is basically the same as last time he was here, although there is more baby stuff around, which makes the man's heart melt. He had always wanted kids, but he doesn't know if he will ever be able to.

"Do you want a drink? Coffee Tea?" Perrie asks, picking up her own mug to take a sip of the decaffeinated drink. She smiles when Harry politely asks for a tea and gets to work on making it, just like how she used to as his assistant. "I'll get Layla up in a moment, just wanted a bit of time to catch up with you first," she explains to him.

"Sounds great!" Harry comments, sitting at the bar stool. "These are for you," he sets the box on the marble counter, pushing them closer to Perrie, who grins and claps her hands.

"You're amazing! Are they the bakery recipe? They are my favourites!" The blonde grabs the now tea filled cup and passes it to Harry, peeling open the box to sneak one of the cupcakes out.

"They are! Barbara's recipe can never go wrong with it," he smiles at the memory of his old boss and friend, without her he would have none of this. He would be nothing.

Perrie takes a bite of one and moans, "so yum! Would you like one Hazza?" She questions, opening the box with a cheeky grin. "You know you want to!"

"No, no," Harry waves her off, sipping at his tea. "I've already had breakfast and I made them for you!"

"Awe okay! More for me I guess!" She smiles warmly. "Now tell me, do you have a new assistant yet?"

"Not yet, no! Interviews are today!" Harry huffs, rolling his eyes. "It's going to be so boring! I hate interviewing people." Harry confesses, biting his lip.

"I've got something to cheer you up! Stay here," Perrie holds a finger up and disappears into the next room. When the walks back in, Harry's face brightens immensely. She has little Layla held in her arms, wrapped in an blanket. "Want to hold her Haz?"

"Of course!" Harry says quietly, cooing softly when the baby is passed to him. "Look at her Perrie... She is gorgeous!" He rocks the little girl gently, staring down at her. "She has your nose!"

"Zayn's eyes," she points out and Harry looks down at the sleeping baby. "When she isn't asleep you'll be able to tell," she chuckles and checks the time. "When are your interviews?"

"Eleven," Harry whispers, still smiling down at the newborn.

"Harry, it is ten-thirty!" She panics. Harry looks up quickly and gasps. "Oh no, I need to go or I'll be late."

Perrie quickly takes Layla and pecks Harry's cheek. "Good luck today! Remember my advice!"


"No one has been good, Pez!" Harry whispers into the phone frantically, mind flashing to the woman who had too much cleavage and had a fascination with Harry's desk and the man who told Harry he wouldn't be getting him coffee no matter what. There was plenty of others that Harry had just found strange.

"How many more do you have left?" Perrie questions, shushing Layla softly.

"One, Louis Lucas is his name... Let's hope for a miracle." Just as that is said, there is a knock on Harry's door and a blushing boy behind it.

"I'll call you back after," Harry whispers into the phone and hangs up, smiling at the man in front of him. "Louis Lucas?" He stands up and holds his hand for the thin boy to shake.

He seems shy and jittery and Harry can't help but feel like he looks familiar, but pushes it aside when the boy talks. "That's me."

"Lovely to meet you, Mr Lucas!" Harry motions for Louis to take a seat, as he does so himself.

"I am going to be honest with you, " Harry chuckles, rubbing at his forehead. "Everyone I have interviewed today has been... Not great? So all I'm going to ask is why do you want this job?"

Louis swallows thickly and gives Harry a strange look. Does he not recognise him?... Harry looks so different, but still so similar. So beautiful.

"I-I'm getting out of a bad relationship... I need the money, but I'm not smart, I don't have any qualifications... I know you are a nice guy- apparently, apparently, you are. I thought if anyone would give me a chance, it'd be you," Louis glances up at Harry from under his eyelashes and bites his lip.

Harry smiles genuinely and nods. "Consider yourself hired," Harry states with confidence, feeling sorry for the boy in front of him and like Louis had said, Harry wants to give him a chance.

A/N: Harry doesn't remember him... Thoughts? xo

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