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Chapter 43: I don't care


"Hi, Dave, I was wondering if you could post an advertisement for me? I'm in need of someone to take Zayn's job temporarily," Harry speaks into the phone, looking out of his glassed office at the city. He blinks slowly, tired from the day he has had, and when he looks at the clock, he falters when seeing it was barely lunchtime, let alone time for him to leave. "Oh, really? What's his name?"

Harry spins in his chair and writes the name of the man suggested to him, Liam Payne. He taps his pencil against the paper, pulling his lip between his teeth as he stares at the name. "Yes, that'd be great if you could! Thank you so much!"

The call ends and Harry places the phone down. He tilts his head backwards, resting it against the leather of his office chair. Harry breathes in and out deeply, trying to push away the ache in his heart.

He grabs the card he usually would give Louis and grabs his coat, making his way outside the building and to Starbucks, with sluggish steps and a frowning face. Once there, he orders and the guy looks at him strangely when he hands over the white card, that has gold spots printed on it.

"Is everything okay?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Yeah, just that stupid, rich Style's bloke must have fired another one of his assistants. I liked the other one, no offence... That prick just thinks he is better than everyone else, right?"

Harry crosses his arms over chest insecurely, biting at the inside of his cheek. He gives the man a small smile and shrugs a little. "No offence taken," he whispers, suddenly feeling as though everyone's eyes were on him. He tries to shake the feeling of it and after a few minutes dwelling on the guy's words, his coffee is ready. Harry grabs it with a fake smile and quickly walks out of the shop.

The stroll back to work is really just Harry sulking and drinking his coffee. He frowns when he nears the building, his last name written over it in big, capital letters, standing out so much... Harry halts to a stand and closes his eyes. Did people really only think of him like that? The rich guy, who only cares for himself? Who thinks he is better than everyone else?... Why could he never win?

He ignores the ache in his chest and the tears in his eyes and begins walking again, finally making it to the building after a couple of minutes. He takes the elevator to his level and walks into his office, happy to finally be away from any noise and people. Harry sits in his chair, he grabs a pen in his shaky hands and glares down at the paper, sniffling back tears.

A knock on the door breaks Harry's thoughts. He grips the pen tighter in his hand, taking sharp breaths to try and calm himself. He didn't want to look like an absolute train wreck in front of his possibly new employee, who was getting sent up for an interview. After running his hands through his hair, and wiping furiously at his eyes, he finally works up the bravery to speak.

"Come in!" His voice cracks and he clears his throat as the door opens. He puts on a smile, that drops immediately when seeing that Liam was in fact not the person behind the door. It was Louis. Harry closes his eyes in a frustrated sigh and slumps his good posture away. "If you're here worrying about your job, I'm not firing you." Harry's voice is monotonic and dull, his eyes flicker from the shaking boy to his desk.

"Harry, can we talk?" Louis takes a step forward, stomach swirling with nerves. "I really want to make things right..." He tells Harry genuinely, moving forward once again when not getting any complaints from Harry the first time. He grips on the back of the guest chair, shaky hands growing white with the strength of his hold.

"What is there to talk about?" Harry grits out, suddenly feeling as though his whole body is in pain. His muscles ache and bones feel heavy. The weight of his lungs growing harsher with every breath. "How you and Stan were assholes to me? How you treated me like shit and tormented me every chance you got?... How you lied to me?"

Louis closes his eyes and tears leak from them. "I'm not like that anymore." His voice is soft, breathless almost. exhausted. "I am so sorry for what I did to you, Harry. But I truly am not like that anymore." Louis stares at him with his beautiful blue eyes full of pain and fear.

"When is the last time you saw Stan?" Harry gulps, grabbing at the arms of his office chair. "I can't shake the fact that this is one of your pathetic jokes with him. So if I mean anything to you at all, tell me the truth, when did you last see him?" Harry's tone is cold, and his voice doesn't waver. His jaw is clenched and eyes squinted, watching as Louis' own widened slowly.

And Harry sees it, Louis break. His body slumps, his face becomes sadder looking if possible, and he brings his shoulders up in a short shrug. "Today — I saw Stan today..." The small boy whispers and rubs at his arm, not daring to look at Harry. "I felt guilty and thought being with him—"

"I don't want to know." Harry tugs at his curls, a choked sob leaving his lips. "You are the most unimportant person in my life. I don't care about you! so if you could just leave me the fuck alone, that would be fucking great. I'm sick of having to look at you," he spits out, rage washing over him, voice loud and deep. He watches as Louis clutches the hem of his shirt harshly. He watches the trembling of the boy's lip, the tears flowing down his cheeks. And he watches him leave, hearing his crying die down to silence.

A/N: hi bbys <3 I haven't had the best day, so I decided to give you all an update! I hope you enjoyed!

- Do you think Harry was unreasonable? Why/why not?

- What do you think was the reason Louis got a lift from Stan? Just because he couldn't get a ride?

- What are your thoughts on Liam beginning to work for Harry? What do you think his role may be in this story?

- How do you think Louis and Harry are feeling? What might they do next?

- What do you want to happen next?

- What do you think will happen next?

- What is your hope for the next chapter?

Please leave me some comments to cheer me up, I always adore reading them! Have a great day/night, lovelies! xo

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