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Chapter 5: Bakery


"You wouldn't mind locking up for me today, would you, love?" Barbara asks Harry, who stands at the counter of the bakery he works at on weekends. He had been cleaning the bench, zoned off in his own world. 

Nobody had come in today, much alike every other day. Harry honestly doesn't know how she keeps the place running, it doesn't earn a profit, it couldn't. But Harry is glad it hasn't shut, it gives him something to do and Barbara is his best friend after all.

"Not at all," Harry replies with a small smile, laughing when she pulls him in for a big hug, rubbing his back gently.

"You're a good boy, Harry," she smiles warmly at him and grabs her bag. "I have a doctors appointment! Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Of course," Harry receives one last hug before he is watching her leave, his smile faltering when she does so. Now he is all alone, like usual.

He cleans a little more and stands around bored before the bell on the door is ringing and his heartbeat is quickening. 

"Well, well," Stan walks in smirking, Louis trailing behind. "Look who is here, Lewis!"

"Hi curly," Louis winks and walks to the counter, placing both his hands on the bench. "Didn't know you worked at this dump… guess it matches you."

Harry flushes pink and cowers a little bit. "C-can I get y-you anything?" Harry questions with a stutter, watching Stan look at the food, whilst Louis keeps a harsh glare on Harry.

"I'm not hungry," Louis says softly when Stan walks up next to him, shoving him over a little. His face falters for a minute before the sassy expression is arriving once again.

"Good, don't want to get fat like Harry here," the brunette chuckles, running his eyes up and down Harry's body. "You should really stop eating so much, you're going to be even more disgusting than you already are."

"Worry about your own body," Harry mumbles, eyes staring at the roof, trying to rid of any tears. He knows his eyes are glassy, he knows he is a baby, but he can't help it.

"What was that?" Louis sneers, his face hardened, his blue eyes cold. "What did you say curly cock sucker?"

"Just tell me what you want so we can get this over with," Harry sighs sadly, crossing his arms over his chest, digging his nails into his pale flesh, trying to distract himself from the pain Louis and Stan are causing.

"Four of those cupcakes," Stan orders, rolling his eyes when Harry scurries to grab a box to put them into. 

"Any specific colours?" Harry asks politely, his voice shaky. 

"Do I look like a fag? Just throw in any, dumbass," Stan shakes his head and throws his wallet at Louis. "I can't stand this guy, can you pay? I'll wait outside, got any ciggies?" 

Louis holds the wallet in one hand and the other digs in his pocket, pulling out the packet of cigarettes for Stan. 

Harry watches as Stan leaves, his face contorted into a look of the anger, annoyance and frustration. Harry doesn't understand what he did to cause it, but he wishes he hadn't.

"Is that all?" Harry places the box in front of Louis, giving him a tight-lipped forced smile.

"Can I get a bottle of water?" Louis asks, stomach growling at the smell of all the delicious food he can not eat.

Harry hums and grabs the bottle from the fridge, placing it next to the cupcakes. He quickly moves to the cash register, typing in the items. "That comes to twelve dollars," Harry says softly.

Louis opens the wallet, cursing softly when he can only find ten. "Can you put the water back?... I don't have enough," he blushes, gritting his teeth.

"Have it, I'll pay, " Harry suggests without thinking, his eyes widening. Now Louis will really think he is gay… He looks at the small boy, stomach dropping when noticing Louis' expression isn't a glare and he isn't laughing… He looks shocked but thankful and that makes Harry's heart beat faster.

"Really?" Louis almost whispers, his mind searching for a reason, any reason, why Harry would do that for him…

"Sure… Just maybe don't tell Stan?" Harry winces, ready to be told off. But it doesn't happen.

Louis nods and passes him the money, his hand shaking. "Yeah, of course," Louis clears his throat, looking around awkwardly. "Secret is safe with me."

"Have a good day," Harry mumbles as Louis goes to leave. Barbara always told him to be polite to customers, which Harry is… Really, Harry tries to be polite to everyone, even the ones who are mean to him.

Louis turns around and furrows his eyebrows, his soft, highlighted voice, squeaking out a, "you too, Curly."

A/N: thoughts? Leave me some comments! xo

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