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Chapter 40: Emergency


Awoken from his sleep by his blaring ring tone, Harry groans loudly, head pounding from the amount of alcohol consumed until the early hours of this morning. He feels an arm around his waist, but ignores it for the moment as he blindly searches for his phone. He answers it, eyes still shut and brings it to his ear with a tired sigh. "Hello?"

"Harr-" his name is cut off by loud crying. "I need you." Harry furrows his eyebrows and sits up quickly, heart beating erratically in his chest.

"What's happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Harry's voice comes out higher than usual, his panic ridden face not changing, even when he feels Arthur wake up next to him.

"Please meet me at the hospital," is the last thing said before the phone line goes dead. He stares at his phone for a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly anxious. What had happened?

"You okay?" Arthur asks, sleepily looking up at Harry with his tired eyes. "What's happened?"

"I don't know." Harry glances at him. "We didn't-" he motions between the two of them and the older snorts loudly and slaps Harry's arm a little.

"Don't be stupid, Harry. You were drunk and sad, you know I wouldn't do that." Arthur ruffles Harry's hair and gives him a small smile. "Now, that call sounded serious." Harry nods and presses his head to Arthur's chest, beginning to cry. Everything had been too much lately. Too much for Harry to handle. "Everything will be alright, Hazza."


After packing the things he had brought home, he rushes down the stairs, smiling sadly when he sees his pouting mother and frowning friend. "Come visit me soon, yeah?" He steps forward and hugs his mother tightly, hands shaking against her back. "I'll pay if need be."

Anne sniffles against his shoulder and rubs his back gently. "Definitely. I have missed you so much." Harry pulls away, before quickly diving into another hug, a tighter one this time. Spending so much time away from his mum had always upset him. "Be good," she tells him as he leans down to grab his bags. "And Harry?" He flicks his eyes to her own. "Louis seems like a lovely boy... I could tell how happy you are. If you can, try and fix things with him, okay?"

"Okay," Harry whispers and turns to Arthur with a tight smile. "I'm expecting you to come visit me very soon as well," Harry tells him and pulls him in for a strong hug, nuzzling his face in his neck. "Thank you for looking after me."

"Anytime, Hazza. I'll come visit you in a week or two," Arthur promises, kissing Harry's cheek. "Drive safe."

"Will do."


Harry gets into the car and sighs to himself, looking into the revision mirror at his baggy, red rimmed eyes. His skin is pale, highlighting the small freckles that litter his face. After a moments consideration, he decides to message Louis. No matter how angry he was with the boy, or how heart broken he felt, he didn't want Louis to not know he had left the town without him.

Getting his phone out and going to the contact, he types: 'I need to go home for Perrie. Are you able to get a lift home?' And then he is hurling his phone to the passenger seat and starting the car up. With teary eyes, he gets ready for the long drive. This time alone.


Louis hears his phone go off and grabs it, eyes widening when he sees Harry's contact come up. With a fast-beating, hopeful heart he opens the message, only for his stomach to drop again. Harry was leaving. And he was leaving without Louis. Louis swallows the lump in his throat and messages back 'I'll figure something out.'

A tear falls from his eye and he grips the bottom of Harry's shirt, rising it to his cheek to wipe the tear away. He gets out of bed, slightly lightheaded and heavily upset. He trudges down the stairs and smiles when finding Rodney in the kitchen, preparing food.

"I've made some food," he tells Louis and motions to the table, where there is already a bunch of food made up. "Don't know what you'd want, so I made a bit of everything," he chuckles and Louis gives him a forced smile.

The small boy sits at the table and hesitantly grabs a strawberry that Rodney had set on a plate, amongst other fruits. He chews on the red berry, tastebuds tingling at the sweetness of it. "Thank you so much for all of this," Louis tells him, picking up a slice of watermelon. "I-um, I'm going to go home today."

"Oh?" Rodney turns around to look at Louis. "So soon?" He voice hints at disappointment and he frowns. "You'll look after yourself?"

Louis shakes his head in a yes motion and grabs onto a grape. "I will," he agrees and throws the green fruit into his mouth. "I'll be back in a second, just have to call someone to ask for a lift."

"No problem," Rodney comments and Louis leaves the table, rushing up to his room. He grabs his phone and presses the contact, bringing the ringing device to his ear as he glances around the room, working out what he needs to pack to take home.


Louis exhales shakily. "Hey... Can I ask a favour?"

A/N: Forty chapters in! I hope you enjoyed!

What do you think has happened to Perrie?

Who do you think Louis called?

Will Harry forgive Louis anytime soon?

Will Louis start taking care of himself?

Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! xo

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