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Chapter 60: Message 


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asks, pausing the sip of his coffee to question Louis' overly fond, zoned-out look he is giving Harry. Louis jolts back a little in his chair and gives Harry a bashful smile. He picks up his tea and glances away, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"I was just admiring you..." Louis turns back to Harry to say, and reaches over to steal a slice of bacon from the younger. Harry gapes at this and Louis winks in return, starting to eat the extra food, even after finishing his own breakfast. "What? I just think you are very pretty."

Harry splutters and covers his cheeks quickly, glancing away from Louis with wide eyes. "What the-!" Harry quickly stands up and marches over to Arthur, who had just walked into the cafe Louis and Harry had decided to have breakfast at. "You idiot!" he growls before Arthur notices him and pulls him in for a tight hug. Arthur jumps but settles into it when the familiarity hits him. "You haven't been answering my calls or texts. Anything could have happened to you."

"I am sorry, my phone went flat," Arthur murmurs against Harry's shoulder. "And I spent the night at his place..."

"Who is it?"

"Come to the club with us tonight, invite Pez and stuff, and you can see who it is," Arthur pulls away and grins cheekily, before stepping around Harry to order two coffees. "I will message you the time and place... You will come, yeah? I need your approval. You know me better than I know myself."

"Of course I will. I will bring Louis, maybe even invite his friend Niall, if that is okay." Harry glances over at Louis, who is nervously glancing down at his phone and biting his nails. Harry frowns but turns his attention back to Arthur.

"Speaking of your loverboy, you better get back to him. Text me when you decide whether you're coming or not." Harry agrees easily, wanting to get back to the boy as quickly as he possibly can. They say their goodbyes and Harry walks back to Louis, noticing his shaken state immediately.

"Hey, so Arth just asked us to go clubbing tonight, are you up for it?" Harry questions as he sits, trying to see if Louis would snap out of his trance. "Lou?" Nothing. "Baby, what's wrong?" Harry lowers his voice, and reaches his hand over to grab Louis' trembling one.

"Can we go home?" Louis stands up and pockets his phone before Harry can even so much as speak. Harry nods, stands and drops some money on the table before taking Louis' hand in his own to guide him out of the restaurant.

They get on the sidewalk and Louis stops in his tracks again, halting Harry's movements. Harry looks at him expectantly and Louis begins to tear up and pulls his phone out, showing Harry the most recent message he had received.

Louis, you better text me back soon, or I will track down cocksucker for a catch up. I know the fag is trying to get into your pants.

Harry reads over the message and furrows his eyebrows, before flicking his eyes back up to meet Louis'. "I have to text him," Louis wipes his watery eyes. "You'll get hurt if I don't."

Harry shakes his head and passes Louis' phone back to him. "Louis, no. I will be fine, okay? Gosh-he is such an asshole." Harry leans forward to kiss Louis' cheek and smiles softly at him when he brings his hand up to cup Louis' other cheek. "Just ignore him. He will stop trying once he realises he has lost you for good."

"How do you know he won't hurt you?" Louis asks, face down and looking at the cracks in the concrete.

"I'll be fine, Lou. I promise you." Harry opens the car door for Louis and the boy gets in and smiles at Harry.

"I'd like to go clubbing tonight with Arthur."

"Great," Harry grins. "Will you be okay at my house alone for a couple of hours this afternoon, though? I have to go to therapy."

"Yeah, I will be fine," Louis tells him sweetly, the fond look from before expressing on his features again.

"I will book you an appointment while I am there as well."

A/N: It is my 18th birthday tomorrow, so I decided I will update one last time before I am officially an adult! The last chapter kind of flopped, so please make sure you are leaving comments, it always makes me so much more excited to update.

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- How do you think Louis and Harry's relationship is progressing? Can you see them becoming a couple anytime soon, or do you think there is too many barriers in the way thus far?

- Are you excited to see who Arthur spent the night with? Who are you hoping it is? 

- Do you think Stan will stick to his message? Do you think we will see him again anytime soon?

- Are you happy for Louis to start therapy? How do you think this will impact him? 

- What do you think will happen next?

Please leave some comments and have a great day/night! <3

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