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Chapter 20: hoodie


Harry groans loudly and sits up, his head pounding and bones aching. He looks next to him to see Louis laying down, looking at his phone. Louis glances over, feeling Harry shuffle a little. "Good morning," he rasps out and places his phone onto the side table. He sits up as well, awkwardly twiddling his fingers together.

"Morning," Harry whispers back and shivers a little because of the cold. "Thanks for allowing me to crash here last night." His voice barely sounds through the quiet room, as an embarrassed blush forms to his face.

"It was my pleasure. Anytime." Louis makes a stand and stretches, yawning loudly as he does so. "Would you like breakfast or a coffee?"

"I actually really have to go shopping before work, so I should be heading off," Harry frowns and pushes himself out of the bed. He stands awkwardly, eyes looking over Louis. "I'm sorry last night was a mess," Harry stares at the wall behind the boy.

"Haz, no. It was fine... I had a good night," Louis gives him a warm smile and goes over to the closet to grab out a hoodie. "Do you want one as well?..." Louis reaches for a larger one and holds it up for Harry. "It was my ex-husbands, but it is the biggest I have."

Harry glances at Louis' empty closet and suddenly feels really bad for the boy. Not because he doesn't have designer clothes or anything, no, not at all. But because Louis' ex really did leave him with nothing and Louis didn't deserve to not have enough clothes to keep him warm. Harry sets himself a mental reminder to up Louis' paycheck.

"If I can? I promise to bring it to work today for you!" Harry rushes out, and Louis grins, throwing it over to him while he puts on another that basically swims around his awfully thin body. "Not going to wear a hoodie to work, Mr Styles?" Louis teases. "Not Gucci enough?"

"Believe it or not, hoodies used to be my go-to," Harry shakes his head with a chuckle, pulling at the strings to even them out.

"I'd believe it," Louis smiles fondly at the memory of his little Harry walking around the school, hands tucked into his little, purple hoodie. "I bet you were such a cute teen," Louis whispers to Harry who gives him a small, insecure shrug.

"Nah," Harry chuckles. "I was a loser, but what can you do? You don't get to choose how people perceive you."

Louis swallows thickly and nods. "Maybe it wasn't how they perceived you, but more themselves? Did they seem... Happy?" Louis squint's his eyes a little, watching a thoughtful expression make its way to Harry's face.

"I guess so... One was always angry though, and the other, well he seemed to change moods a lot, I guess. One minute he'd be nice, then the next not," Harry recalls, trying to picture Louis, but finding it difficult after the many years of not seeing him. "He was cute though," Harry glances at Louis, with a small shrug of his shoulders. "But I hated him."

"Understandable," Louis croaks out, rubbing at his arm as he stares at the carpet. "Didn't you say you had to go to the supermarket? I'm not meaning for you to leave or anything, just don't want you to be late."

"Oh shit!" Harry pulls up the hoodie sleeve, checking his expensive watch that wraps his wrist. "I do really need to go, but I'll see you later at work?" Harry asks hopefully, his dimples popping with the force of his smile.

"Of course!" Louis says loudly as Harry waves goodbye and walks out of Louis' room. Barely seconds later Niall is rushing into the room, a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well."


Harry pushes the trolley cart down the aisle, eyes running over the products that sit on the shelves. He bites his lip when unable to see the item he needed and sighs in defeat. Without looking he pushes the cart a little faster and crashes into someone. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" Harry looks up, his eyes widen and filled with apology.

"Harry Styles?" The man smirks and releases his own cart from his hands to move closer to the boy. "Long time no see..."

Harry furrows and quickly tries to put a name to the face and once unable to, he cringes slightly while asking, "sorry, do I know you?" He quizzes, his heart pounding with nerves. He didn't like forgetting peoples names, but it happened often.

"Stan. Stanley Lucas. From school?" Stan furrows his eyebrows at Harry, the smile returning to his face when Harry's eyes widen once again and he takes a small step back, hoping Stan didn't notice, but of course, he did.

"Uh, hi..."

"Hey there, bud. How have you been?" Stan speaks with a sickly sweet tone, conversing as if they had been friends forever and Harry can't help but feel anger build inside of him. He could never be friendly with Stan, especially not after what he did to him.

"Really good," Harry purses his lips and raises an eyebrow. "How about you, Stanley?" Harry's tone is harsh and his face is cold.

"Eh. My husband and I just got a divorce, so haven't been great, but what can you do?" Stan snorts and shrugs. "But hey, you are famous now, huh?"

"I wouldn't go that far. But I have been doing pretty well of... I didn't know you lived in London?" Harry avoids the topic.

"Yeah, Lewis and I moved here. That's who I married, by the way." Harry stills, his heart racing. Stan got Lewis? "Before you say anything, no, I'm not a faggot-" Harry flinches "-Lewis is basically just a girl anyway."

"Okay?" Harry almost hisses, for the second time today thinking about the beautiful, blue-eyed boy, who had the meanest ways about him.

"Anyway, so he still lives around here. Let's hope you don't see him, aye? You always had a crush on him, right?"


"Nope. Not at all. In fact, Lewis was an asshole, just like the rest of your friend group. I had higher standards then and still do. It was... Interesting catching up with you, but I have to go. Goodbye."

Stan raised an eyebrow as Harry pushes past him. The man grits his teeth together, mouth opening and closing. He wasn't going to let Harry get the last word. "Oi! Nice hoodie, I think I've got the same somewhere! See ya, Curly Cock Sucker!"

A/N: Please leave me lots of comments so I can stay motivated! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! xo

What is a scene cute or bad you'd want to see with Louis and Harry?

How long do you think this book should be?

Is there anything you think this book should have in it that isn't there yet?

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