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Chapter 44: Back to you


Louis is curled up in bed, where he had been ever since he and Harry had fought this morning. When he hears the sound of Niall come into the flat, with the faint voice of a woman as well, he buries his head further into his pillow, cringing at the wet feel of tears against his cheek. He had left Harry's office and immediately came home, too exhausted and upset to do anything else.

"You're the most unimportant person in my life," echoes through his head and Louis chokes back another sob, gripping onto the blankets harshly. He kind of figured after the reveal Harry would hate him, but to hear those words come out of his mouth shattered Louis more than ever before.

A knock on the door halts his sorrow and he mumbles a come in, voice cracking harshly. Niall strolls in with a dopey smile on his face. He leans against the door frame, eyebrows raised. "Hate to do this to you, Lou, but uh, you know the roommate rules..."

Louis glances down and nods. He gets out of bed and grabs a jacket from his closet, wrapping himself up in it. He pushes past Niall, ready to leave the building so Niall could spend alone time with the girl he had brought home. "Lou, wait!" His actions are halted by Niall's hand. "Have you been crying?"

"No," Louis lies. He puts on his best smile and turns to Niall. "Have a good night, Ni."

He tugs himself away from a worried Niall and gets out of the building as quickly as possible, hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. He shivers a little, teeth chattering and lips turning a little blue. Louis begins walking down the pathway, a clear destination in mind.

Harry's devastated features flash through his mind and his heart clenches in pain. He deserved everything bad in this world for ever putting such a beautiful boy through the traumatic experiences he did.

And that is how he ended up at Stan's doorstep, knocking against the door harshly. "Stan!" He yells out when there is no answer. "Please," Louis whispers and presses his head against the door. He almost tumbles over when the door opens, but instead falls against Stan's chest, sobs immediately falling from his lips.

"What's wrong?" Stan closes the door quickly, urgently picking up Louis and holding him close. He walks them to the lounge room where he had been previously lounging, eating pizza. He puts Louis on the couch and grabs a slice of the pepperoni topped food. "Want a snack to cheer you up?"

Louis stares at the food, he wants to, so bad, but, he shakes his head and refuses. The small boy wipes at his eyes, sniffling to himself. "I need sleep," he mumbles and is pulled into another hug from Stan. "What if you are the only person who will ever love me?" Louis voices his fears aloud, glistening eyes watching over Stan's face.

"I probably will be, Lewis," Stan tells him and Louis nods, believing him. "But that's okay, I never liked sharing you anyway," he smirks. "Which some learnt the hard way."

Louis swallows thickly and agrees, feeling a little smaller at the mention of it. He remembers the day he told Stan about his crush, he remembers the way the man's face hardened and the way he gripped Louis' wrist so tight the boy thought it would snap.

"Can I sleep now?" Louis speaks, his cracking voice breaking the silence between the two. "I need a place to crash. I don't have anywhere else."

"I mean, sure, why can't you stay at your own place, though?"

"Niall has a friend over. I guess he assumed I had somewhere to go to, but I don't."

"Well, come on then. I still have your clothes you left, you know, just in case I need a way out of a one night stand, having a husband always is a good turn to." Louis almost scoffs but can't find the energy to. He follows Stan upstairs and into the room they used to share. Unopened condom wrappers and clothes fill the floor, the bed is unmade and all Louis' decoration, including the fairy lights he had put up, seem to be falling apart. "Sleep in this bed with me tonight, you look like you need cuddles."

Louis is too tired to argue, he lays on the bed, fully clothed and allows Stan to change him into pyjamas as his eyes flutter shut. He feels Stan move him further up the bed and under the covers and then he drifts off to sleep, hands clutched against the blankets and mind thinking of Harry.


"This will be quick, darling," Louis feels against his neck. He opens his eyes and the room is dark, outside is too he realises when looking out of the window. Louis is suddenly aware he is naked and feels Stan push into him, hole already stretched.

"Stan," Louis whines and reaches behind to grab onto the man's wrist, his teeth gritted. "I told you I wanted to sleep." Stan bottoms out and kisses against Louis' neck.

"And you will, once I am done," he grunts and thrusts. "I have missed you. Come back to me, Lewis. We are good together, you know that." He is pressed behind Louis, moaning and grunting.

"Y-you can't just do this," Louis cries, taking in sharp breaths. Deep down, he knows he deserves it. He knows this is why he came here. Louis knew Stan would hurt him and secretly, that is what he wanted. It took away the guilt and replaced it with pain. At least he had learnt how to deal with pain.

A/N: I apologise for the wait, I took a break for my mental health and haven't been motivated to write. :(

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- How do you think Louis is going to feel after tonight?

- Is there anything you want to be cleared up? (In case I have forgotten something)

- What do you want to happen next?

- Who is your favourite character?

Please leave me some comments to get me motivated and have a great/day night, lovelies! xo

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