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Chapter 56: Nightmares and Crop tops


Louis' eyes flutter open and he is met with the darkness of the night, and the sobbing from Harry next to him. He jumps up immediately, body stilled with fear and panic. "Haz? Are you awake?"

Harry doesn't answer, just continues to squirm around. "Please stop," he whispers, beginning to thrash and Louis gently grabs his shoulder, shaking it softly in an attempt to wake him up. "Lewis, no," he chokes out and Louis flinches back, gulping harshly.

"Harry! Harry wake up," he tries harder this time, tears in his eyes. He forces himself to shake Harry harder, desperate to get him out of whatever nightmare he was having. "Harry!" He calls a bit louder and sighs in relief when Harry gasps awake. Harry panics, though, and pushes Louis away harshly, making his arm hit against the side table, a whine escaping his thin lips in pain.

"Oh my God," Harry rushes out breathily and quickly turns the light on with one hand while the other wipes at his eyes. "Oh my God, Louis, I am so sorry." Harry takes one look at the red patch on Louis' arm that the smaller is looking at before he is untangling himself from the bed and rushing into the bathroom.

Louis rubs over his arm mindlessly trying to rid of the pain as he turns his attention to Harry, who has switched the bathroom light on, and begun tilting some pills into his hand. Louis watches as Harry splashes water onto his face and wipes it over with a towel from the rack hung against the sink. His heartbeat quickens when Harry comes back into the room, closing the bathroom door behind him, drowning out the blue light and only leaving the room a dim yellow.

"Are you okay?" Harry whispers as he sits on the bed, gently taking Louis' arm in his hands, fingers gliding over the now-bruising spot. Harry looks up at Louis, his eyes full of sadness and worry. "I promise I didn't mean to hurt you."

Louis rips his arm away from Harry's hand, bringing his own hands to Harry's cheeks, pausing the younger's fuss. "It's fine. I'm fine," Louis murmurs, thumb gliding over the new tears that fall from Harry's eyes. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Instead of saying anything, Harry begins to cry, he slouches himself forward into Louis' arms and cries onto his chest. "Thought so," Louis whispers, lips pressing against his curls.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Harry cries. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just—I was confused. I got confused," Harry goes to pull away, but sinks back into the hug when noticing Louis doesn't mind. "I seen... The day you gave me your sweater—I'm not like that, whoever did that. I am not like them," Harry admits, heart pounding, cheeks hot. "I wouldn't ever hurt you on purpose."

"I don't—" Louis trails off and pushes Harry slightly away from him, so their eyes meet. "What are you talking about, Harry? What did you see?" He keeps his voice low, not wanting to scare Harry more so than he already seems. "Hazza?"

"Forget I said anything," Harry mumbles. "I shouldn't have—I just didn't want you to think..." Harry sighs, sniffles and begins to pull back, covering his eyes from Louis' view. "Can we please get some sleep?."

Louis reaches for Harry's hands and peels them away from his face. "Harry. If you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep tonight. I hate secrets," Louis falters for a moment and sighs, dropping hands. "I need for you to communicate with me, okay? I hate conversations being left unsaid."

"I'm sorry," Harry whispers. "I know I do that a lot. I'm just used to..." His voice dies down. "That day Stan messed my shirt up. You gave me yours. And when we were switching over, I saw bruises." Louis glances down at his hands and sighs. "I shouldn't have brought it up, I am sorry. I just—I saw the handprints that day and panicked just now. I didn't want you to be scared of me or have to worry that I was going to do anything like... That." It goes silent for a moment and Harry begins to curl in on himself, regretting what he had said. Regretting mentioning it at all.

"I don't think it is possible to be scared of cupcakes..." Louis chuckles, poking at one of Harry's dimples. "Unless you are allergic to chocolate or something... But, on a serious note, I know you didn't mean it and I would never compare you to St—them. I promise I will tell you more about it, just right now, I feel like it would be triggering and I would rather look after you tonight than have us both upset."

"Okay," Harry nods, placing one of his hands gently on Louis' thigh, thumb running over it gently. "Do you want anything for your arm? Or anything to drink or eat before we sleep again?" Louis shakes his head and lays down on his side with a smile. He places both hands under his head as he fondly watches Harry stare down at him before moving to turn the light off.

"Can I cuddle you?" Louis asks after a few minutes, voice a little nervous sounding and higher than usual.

"Yes." Louis grins and slots himself behind Harry, wrapping his arms around the boy tightly. "Try and get some sleep, angel. I'll be here if you need me... And just for the record," he whispers against Harry's ear. "That comment I made about you looking good in a crop top all those years ago would still be very true."

A/N: Hi darlings! How are you all going?

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- Thoughts on Harry admitting to what he saw?

- Did you expect Louis' reaction when hearing Harry knew about his bruises?

- What did you think about the way Louis dealt with Harry? Do you think communicating more helped them?

- What do you think/want to happen next?

If you enjoy this book, I have a new story out called 'Prom Queen' which will have a similar layout/plot to this one! <3

Please remember to leave me lots of comments to wake up to, I haven't been well lately and it would cheer me up heaps! And have a great day/night, lovlies! xox

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