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Chapter 57: Arthur and Louis


"You have woken up later than usual," Arthur comments with a smirk when Harry walks into the kitchen, suit clad on his body and panic on his face. "You are normally up before me, Harold. What did you two get up to last night?" Arthur winks and bites into his toast.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," Harry chuckles as he pours himself an already brewed coffee, his hands shake while holding the travel mug. He lets the steam hit against his face, shivering slightly in the sudden warmth of it.

"I took the liberty—is that even the right word? Anyway, I made my breakfast, I was just so hungry and you were too busy banging—" Harry shoots him a playful glare. "But seriously, hope it was okay."

Harry snorts and leans against his kitchen counter, sipping at his drink. "Why would I ever have a problem with that?... Oh, and I have to go to work and Louis isn't up, think you can make him breakfast when he wakes up? I need to pop around to his house to speak to his friend Niall, so I should probably be leaving soon," Harry mumbles as he checks his watch, lip pulled between his teeth.

"Yeah, sure." Arthur smiles. "Hey? You know how when we were young you told me he looked a lot like me...?" Harry nods quickly, remembering the events that had unfolded all of those years ago. "I didn't really see it then, but I do see it now. I mean, now I have my hair back to its natural colour and styled like a fringe, I can see we look very similar."

"It's strange," Harry whispers, eyes on the kitchen bench in thought and gives Arthur a little shrug.

"It is, it is," Arthur taps his fingers against the kitchen island. "Anyway, just shows you have good taste." Harry rolls his eyes and walks past Arthur, pushing at his shoulder playfully. "I'm not lying!"

"I'm going now!" Harry sing-songs. "I'll see you later, yeah? I've left Louis a note... And a message, but can you still apologise for me leaving? And make sure he eats."

"Sure!" Arthur smiles and gives Harry a wave, before turning to him quickly. "Harry, wait! Just letting you know I am going out tonight with someone!" Harry turns from where he was grabbing his keys from the hook next to the door and smiles.

"No problem! I'll be back before you have to leave... And I hope I'll be hearing about this 'someone,'" Harry smirks and gives Arthur a quick wave before walking out the door.


"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Arthur smiles at a ruffled haired Louis. He is wrapped in a blanket, eyes squinted shut in exhaustion. "Made you breakfast." Arthur motions to the large variety of foods he cooked up for Louis. "Gave you some choices—not the best cook, so I will understand if you need a cup of tea to wash it down."

"Where is Harry?" Louis mumbles as he takes a deep breath and grabs a strip of bacon off of the plate as Arthur walks to the kettle.

"He had to rush into work, he didn't want to leave you, though... Tea?" Arthur raises an eyebrow and when he receives a nod from Louis, he grabs some teacups from Harry's shelf.

"Thank you."

"No problem..." It is silent for a moment, Arthur fish-mouthing, figuring out what to say. "I was there for Harry when you hurt him. Every time he would come to me. And it didn't matter, because I loved him—I do love him. I just hope you know that I will always be there for him and protect him."

"I do know that, and I am so glad you were there for him when I..." Louis trails off and curls in on himself a little. "Do you know when Harry is gonna be home?"

"Uh, no," Arthur tilts his head. "I don't think so," he looks in thought for a moment. "I don't think he told me..." He chuckles and shrugs. "I probably forgot. He did say he has to go to your friend's house, Niall, is it?"

"Oh?" Louis places the slice of bacon back down as Arthur gives him his tea. The younger tilts his head. "Did Harry say why he was going to Niall's?"

"I don't think so," Arthur hums as he blows on his steaming tea. His blue eyes flick up to Louis'. "Why? Is Harry into him or something?" Louis snorts and shakes his head.

"No... Well, I don't know. I don't know who Harry is into." Louis clears his throat, pulling the blanket tighter around him. "Has he—do you know if he is into anyone?"

Arthur smirks a little and shrugs. "I have my... Suspicions." Arthur pushes a plate of food over to Louis. "Don't worry your pretty, little head about it, though. Everything will work out in the end. Now, eat up."

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my mental health hasn't been the greatest & school has been quite difficult. I hope you are all doing well! <3

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- What did you think of Louis and Arthur bonding?

- Who do you think Arthur may be going out with? Do you think anything interesting will happen?

- Why do you think Harry is going to Niall's?

- What do you think will happen next for Louis and Harry?

- What do you want to happen next?

Please leave some comments to keep me motivated, and have a great day/night! <3

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