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Chapter 8: Coffee


"Louis, hi!" Harry stands when the smaller boy walks in. "You're all ready to start today?"

"Yes," Louis grins shyly, rubbing his thin arm. "What would you like me to do?" He questions softly, almost crying when Harry smiles, his dimples dinting his cheeks. He is so pretty.

Harry walks over to him, a small card in hand. "Would you mind going to Starbucks? I'll give you my order and you can buy anything you'd like for yourself!" Harry goes back to his desk and scribbles his order on a sticky note, passing it to the small boy. "Is that okay? And then after I'll show you around!"

"Of course! I'll be back soon!" Louis smiles at him and leaves when Harry tells him he doesn't have to hurry.

He makes his way to the closest Starbucks and groans when the line is incredibly long. He really doesn't want to make Harry mad, or have to wait too long.

It is about half an hour when he gets to the counter. He orders Harry's fancy coffee order and himself a bottle of water. Not long later, it is made and passed over to him, when Louis pays and then he is on his way out of the small coffee shop, but as he turns the corner, someone runs into him, spilling coffee down the front of him.

"Oh shit," the man stutters. "I'm so sorry!" The raven-haired man says softly, an apologetic expression on his face.

"It's no worries," Louis bites his lip and gives him a small shrug, his body burning where the coffee had hit. "Um here," Louis grabs out his wallet, reaching for his last bit of money and passes it to the man. "Buy yourself another."

"It was my fault! You shouldn't have to pay… look at your shirt and pants."

"It's nothing," Louis shrugs. It really isn't nothing, that was money for his lunch and dinner, but knowing he probably wouldn't eat a lot anyway, he figured this guy needed it more. "Have a nice day," Louis gives him a tight-lipped smile and makes his way back to the building, thankful Harry's drink is still intact.


"What happened?" Harry wines when Louis comes in, his once black outfit covered with coffee. He takes the drinks from Louis and sets them on his desk, turning his attention back to his assistant.

"A guy accidentally ran into me, " Louis blushes, pulling at his shirt. It's cold now, but his skin is still stinging.

"Oh no," Harry mumbles, pursing his lips. "I have some spare clothes here. They may be big, but that is better than having wet clothes… Or we could go shopping and get you your own outfit if you aren't comfortable wearing mine?"

Louis' eyes widen a little, he couldn't go shopping, he just spent his last few dollars. Harry would laugh at him… 

"If it is okay with you, I can just wear yours," Louis murmurs embarrassed, it is his first day and he has already humiliated himself in front of Harry.

"Yes of course! I'll go get them for you!"


"Shit," Louis mumbles as the printer stops working and begins to beep. He runs his hand through his hair and groans a little, why do bad things always happen to him?

He wants to cry. He will get fired, he just knows it. Harry won't be able to tolerate his dumbass anymore and now Louis has broken the printer that he most definitely can not afford to replace. 

He hesitantly walks to Harry's office, knocking softly on the door. When he hears Harry tell him to come in, he opens the door slowly, his heart pounding with nervousness.

"Everything going okay?" Harry questions, his face still seeming so happy. Louis doesn't understand, how is he always so happy and nice?

"I think… I b-broke the printer," Louis breathes out, crossing his arms over his stomach. "I'm really sorry! I-I'll try to find some money to pay you for it," Louis takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

"Hey, hey," Harry walks forward to him, looking concerned. "It's okay, Louis! No harm done! You don't have to pay me back… I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. We will go and figure it out together and if it is broken, I saw a new one has been released recently, it is much cooler than this one, so I can have the excuse to get it now!"

"I'm not fired?" Louis asks shakily. He watches as Harry laughs and shakes his head, his beautiful chocolate curls bobbing around as he does so.

"Absolutely not." Harry's phone begins ringing and he quickly gets it out of his pocket, grinning when he sees the caller ID. "Hello, Perrie!"

Louis looks around awkwardly as they chat for a minute. Harry says his name and Louis quickly turns to him with his eyebrows raised.

"Want to go for drinks tonight?"

A/N: Thoughts? xo

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