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Chapter 32: Dad


It had been a few days since he had seen Harry. Louis had called in sick to work on Monday, which wasn't untrue. He was sick. Sick to his stomach with guilt. He had spent the recent days just making himself throw up, hoping maybe it'd fix the niggling feeling in the pit of his stomach and maybe help him lose some of the pudge that had been gaining back onto his stomach while he was at it.

He felt horrible. Harry never deserved it. Not the bullying, or the assault and most definitely not the incident that occurred the last time Louis ever saw Harry as a teen. He didn't deserve the blade against his own skin, that he put there because of the amount of pain Louis put him through.

They had been messaging back and forth though, which kept Louis happy for tiny sections of the day before the dread set back in and he grabbed the closest bottle of alcohol, drowning in his sorrows and crying over past mistakes that cannot be undone and will forever haunt him.


Today was the day of the funeral. Harry was picking him up and they were going straight to the ceremony and then, after that, they'd stay at Anne's for a couple of days.

So, here Louis was, looking in the mirror at himself, cuffing the sleeves of his shirt with a frown on his face. The suit he leant from Niall was swimming on him and he looked ridiculous, but he couldn't fix it now. He makes sure his gelled hair is swooped properly, combing through the fluffy locks until they sit in a quiff.

He shoves more items of clothing into his overnight back and checks multiple times he has his phone charger and everything else he needs and ones concluding he does, he lugs the bag to the lounge, smiling at a smirking Niall as he does so.

"I've always wanted to fuck someone in their childhood bed," Niall mumbles, lips pressed at the rim of his coffee mug. He blows the steam off the beverage and glances back up at Louis who gives him an appalled look.


"Dunno. But please live out my dream for me." Niall shrugs and makes a stand. He walks over to Louis and pulls him on for a hug. "Have fun at the funeral."

"I don't think 'fun' is the right word, Ni," he chuckles and hugs back happily. "Thank you for letting me borrow your suit, I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem... Hey, Lou?" Niall furrows his eyebrows a little and Louis gives him a confused look and a hum in question. "Have you been eating okay? You feel quite slim. I know it isn't my place to ask, I am just worried."

Louis snorts and glances away from him, flushing red. "Niall, I am fine. You've seen me eat, don't worry your cute, little head so much, okay?"



"Hi!" Louis throws his overnight bag into Harry's back seat and quickly jumps into the front, leaning over to place a kiss to Harry's lips. He pulls away but Harry grabs his neck and kisses him again.

"Hi, beautiful." The taller falls back against the car seat and places his hands back on the wheel as Louis puts his seat belt on. "Lou..."

Louis turns his head to him quickly and raises his brows with a nod.

"Do you think we can not mention what you saw the other night?" Harry swallows thickly and looks out the windscreen. "I'm really sorry you seen it, it probably made you really uncomfortable."

"Not at all, Harry. With or without, you are perfect, but of course we don't have to talk about it... But, we do need to decide what we will be listening to, because I will not hesitate to jump out of this car if you play shit music, just saying."

Mean to Me ♡ LarryWhere stories live. Discover now