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Chapter 24: Kiss Me


"Another round?" Perrie's cousin, Jacob, smiles at Harry and holds his pointer finger up when given a smile and nod from Harry.

The night was a bit awkward. It wasn't too bad, but Harry didn't feel entirely comfortable, either. He felt as though there was something missing, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Jacob, undoubtedly, was very attractive. He could be a model, Harry had concluded earlier on in the night. He did lack personality though, which kind of sucked, because otherwise he would have been perfect. Sadly for Jacob, looks aren't everything.

But, Harry could deal with the dull personality for one night, he guesses.

"Here is your drink," he sets down the fruity drinks, taking one for himself to sip on and pushing one over for Harry. "It's busy tonight," he sighs and glances around with his sparkling hazel eyes that Harry had spent the majority of the night staring at.

"It is, yeah," Harry sighs and looks down at the pink-ish orange, alcoholic drink as he sips it through the straw. "It's not normally this packed, sorry."

Jacob shrugs and gives Harry a slight smile. "No harm done." They fall silent once again, which has happened a lot of the night. The lack of connection had made it hard to converse. "Wanna just go somewhere... Private?"

Harry nods quickly and gets up from their table. Jacob and himself make a rush to get outside and wave down a taxi. "Where to, boys?" The taxi driver asks, glancing at the two in the rearvision mirror.

"My house?" Jacob whispers and Harry nods with a shrug. The blonde gives the address and once the vehicle is on the road, leans over and grips Harry's face, pressing his lips to Harry's. Harry immediately kisses back and allows the boy to straddle him. "Okay?"



"Turn the light off," Harry mumbles as they messily make out in just boxers, their hard ons rubbing together causing them both to moan loudly.

"Why?" The blonde pants, moaning when Harry squeezes his ass.

"Please," Harry begs, looking at him seriously. "It's just a thing I like doing... It's weird to have them on, yeah?"

"I guess," Jacob squints and gets up quickly, turning off the lights and making the room pitch black. "Better?" He asks from his place at the switch. Harry hums in approval and Jacob rushes back to him. "Now, can we please do what we came here to?"

"Of course."


Harry leaves the building at two in the morning, his face flushed, hair messy and clothes crinkled. Even in the dark, Harry recognises the buildings and his eyes widen as he tries to recall where Louis lives.

After some debating of his own brain, he begins walking in the direction he thinks is right. And to his relief, it is. He finds Louis' building and quickly makes his way to Louis' door, his stomach filling with excitement at seeing him again.

He knocks on the door and when there is no reply, knocks again. To his surprise, it isn't Louis who answers the door, but Niall. "Harry mate?" Niall's eyes are almost shut from exhaustion. "You and Lou have a booty call or something? 'Cause that bitch fell asleep ages ago, I don't know if you'll get his ass tonight."

Harry blushes with a laugh and shakes his head. "I was- I just wanted to crash with him? My house is a while away and I don't really feel like going home." Niall nods and let's Harry in with a yawn.

"You know where to go," Niall motions down the hall. "He takes up a lot of the bed, when we have had to share in the past, I just pretend to be asleep and roll over to push him off. You can always do that."

"Uh, thanks for the tip," Harry snorts and gives Niall a pursed lip smile, before making his way to Louis' room. He pushes open the door, accidentally banging it against the wall, which startles Louis awake.

"Haz?" Louis whispers and sits up, eyes adjusting to the dark. "What are you doing here?" Harry stumbles towards him with a prominent pout. "Are you okay?"

"Can I shower? Shit, I'm sorry, it's the middle of the night. I'm so stupid, I am sorry," Harry rambles and Louis stands up and holds Harry's face between his hands.

"No need to panic, love. What's happened? Of course you can have a shower, but talk to me first. Are you okay?" Harry shakes his head and bursts into tears. "Didn't think so," Louis whispers and pulls him in for a hug. His heart clenches at the sound of Harry's sobs and he can't help but tear up as well. "What's happened, baby?"

"I'm such a whore," he mumbles, his face pressed against Louis' shoulder. "I-I thought doing... It, would make me feel better, but it was gross. He was a stranger basically and-and it felt wrong."

Louis nods and sits them down on the bed. He pulls Harry's face to his chest and strokes through his curls. "I know what you mean, I regret a lot of the stuff I've done with someone... But Hazza, you're not a whore at all. You're far from it. You're an angel, okay? A one night stand doesn't change that!" Harry sniffles and Louis leans down to kiss his forehead. "Why don't you go have a shower, okay? I'll find you some clothes."


"Better?" Louis smiles at Harry, laying down on the bed in boxers. Harry walks out, towling his hair, pyjama pants cladded low on his hips.

"Much. Thank you." Harry crawls onto the bed, eyes looking over Louis. The boy is beautiful, his curves are so luscious. He does seem to have lost weight, which worries Harry, but he doesn't say anything. "You're so gorgeous, have I ever told you that?" Louis swallows and shakes his head, breath hitching.

"Haz?" Louis' voice wavers with nerves. "Can I do something?" Harry looks down at him from where he is sitting on his knees, next to Louis. He nods and Louis sits up, also perching himself on his knees.

They look into each others eyes and Louis snakes his hand around to the back of Harry's neck. He slowly leans in and Harry does too. Their lips capture each other and they move them slowly, but desperately against one another, savouring the feeling of each other.

Once out of breath, they pull away. Harry gently moves his hand to brush a piece of hair from Louis' eyes and then rests his forehead against the smaller boys. "That was- wow... Can we do it again?"

And they do, Louis' hands clinging to Harry's cheeks as they dive to kiss each other again.

A/N: sorry this update took so long. Please comment and share this book around! I hope you enjoyed!

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