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Chapter 3: Swimming


"We need to be careful," Louis whispers, pressing his hands up against Stan's naked chest as they sit at the public pool, on a lounge chair. Louis had begged Stan to come swimming with him, wanting to go, but not be alone and of course, the other boys would have just laughed at him. They didn't find swimming fun.

"Shut up, Lewis," Stan mumbles harshly, pinning Louis' arms roughly to the pool chair, before crashing his lips against Louis' once again, moaning softly against them as he deepens the kiss with the smaller boy.

Louis struggles to keep up with Stan's kissing pace as his eyes desperately search the area, making sure no one from school is here. He would hate for this to get out. He would hate to be seen as gay. He feels Stan's hands move to his swimming shorts, pressing down roughly on Louis' crotch. "No!" Louis yelps, trying to pull away. "We can't do this here, there are kids around…"

"I don't care," Stan hisses out, his face hardening even more if possible. He shoots Louis a glare and bites down on his neck. "If I want to get you off, I will."

Louis accepts the fact that he doesn't stand a chance of winning an argument against Stan, so he doesn't even try. He feels the man fumbling to put his hand down Louis' pants, roughly grabbing Louis' member. "Oh," Louis moans, a shuddered breath falling from his lips before his eyes are widening. "Stan! Get off me, Harry is here!"

"What?" Stan glances behind them and quickly extracts his hand from Louis' pants. "You could have got us caught!" He mutters, moving to sit on his own lounge, his eyes now on Harry. "God, he is a nerd."

"Yeah," Louis whispers softly, eyes watching Harry laugh at something his sister, Louis assumes, has said. Harry glances over at the two boys, eyes widening. He turns away from them and is immediately pushed into the water by his sister, letting out a large laugh as he falls in, dragging the girl in just after.

When Harry looks at him again, Louis squirms a little, swallowing thickly. He looks down at his stomach, noticing the pudgy rolls. Maybe that's what Harry was staring at...

"Eating too much Lewis?" Stan chuckles, leaning over to poke Louis' stomach. The small boy flushes in embarrassment, leaning over to grab his shirt. He puts it on and sniffles back tears, rubbing his arm.

"Yeah," Louis chuckles half-heartedly, not looking at Stan. "Need to go on a diet, I think." Louis pushes himself off the chair and stands up, pulling his shirt down further. "I'm going to the bathroom. Do you need anything from the canteen thing?" Louis points to the building where the lifeguard stands, looking bored.

"Nope," Stan closes his eyes, letting out a small huff before speaking up again, "actually, can I have a coke? I'll pay you back."

"Sure," Louis mumbles, leaning down to grab his wallet from where it had been carelessly thrown onto the ground by Stan.

Louis hesitates before walking down the edge of the pool, the opposite side from Harry, but still close enough to hear his voice.

Louis glances at the curly-haired boy when the talking stops to see he is already looking at him. Harry flushes and turns away quickly, splashing his sister with the water.


"Do you know him?" Gemma whispers when seeing Harry look at the boy who had just walked past. "Is he your boyfriend?" She grins cheekily and pulls Harry in for a hug.

"No, never, " Harry snorts, splashing her once again. He dives under the water to get her off him, laughing when she coughs a little, having swallowed the water. "I hate him."

"What's his name?" Gemma narrows her eyes at Harry, becoming suspicious. "Is he mean? I'll fight him! I did two weeks of ballet when I was thirteen!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Harry chuckles, a rare smile lacing his lovely face, his dimples indenting his cheeks.

"Nothing, just a cool fact!" She shrugs and moves her eyes to where Stan is standing, a smirk on his face. She looks at Harry with a strange smile, almost laughing at the guy.

"Hi, pretty," he bites his lip, eyeing her. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Harry's friend." Harry stares down at the water, his body trembling. He hates Stan, almost as much as Louis… And here he is trying to pick up his sister? Harry won't allow it.

"No, he isn't," Harry finds the confidence to say, just as Gemma was about to open her mouth to speak. She glances at her brother with a confused look, whilst Stan just glares at him. "He bullies me." He confesses, rubbing his arm.

"This is Lewis?" Gemma growls out, turning to Stan, just as Louis walks up to him with a coke in hand. "The little cunt that is mean to you?" She grits out, breathing becoming uneven with anger.

"That's Stan, " Harry whispers distantly, eyes focused on Louis. "That's Lewis." He tells her, slowly walking through the water to her. He places his hand on his arm and smiles. "Don't worry, we were having a good time. Just let them leave."

"Listen here, you idiots!" She yells, pointing at them. "Be mean to my brother again and I'll hurt you!" Stan rolls his eyes, flipping Harry off and then he is walking back to where he was sat earlier.

Louis almost looks… Apologetic? He even seems like he wants to stay, but ends up just racing after Stan, a confused look lacing his face. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

Mean to Me ♡ LarryWhere stories live. Discover now