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Chapter 9: Pushy


Harry sits with his head down, slowly and insecurely eating his food, his eyes remaining on his empty table.

The cafeteria is loud, full of people speaking over each other and laughing. It makes Harry feel lonelier if possible. Maybe if one person would be his friend, his high school experience would be a hundred times better.

But wishing for that was as good as wishing Louis Tomlinson would one day be his husband. Pathetic and hopeless.

He casts his eyes up at the boy, his loud laugh standing out from the rest. He is sat close to Stan, stealing a chip every now and then, but not eating anything himself.

And then he is turning his head, making eye contact with Harry. He smirks and rises to his feet almost immediately, making his way over to Harry.

"Whatcha staring at, Curls?" Louis takes a seat across from the boy, pushing his lunch tray to the side, so there is a cleared table between the two boys, one with a smirk and the other with rosy cheeks.

"Uh, the view," Harry almost curses at himself! The canteen is nothing but messily painted walls, not a window in sight besides from the glass door that leads to other parts of the school.

Louis frowns and turns in his seat, his eyes casting over each of his individual friends, his lips pursed and eyes narrowed. "Lucy?" Louis questions, referring to the girl at his table, his body now facing Harry once again. 

Harry glances at the girl with teased blonde hair and wide, blue eyes. He figure is thin, but she has an hourglass form. Nothing like Louis' though, crosses Harry's mind.

"I thought you were into boys, no?" Louis interrupts Harry's thought, his voice quite pushy and stern, rising confusion into Harry. "That's where you got your name curly cock sucker…"

Yes "no."

"Oh…" Louis looks down at his hands, his eyebrows screwed in confusion. Even Harry didn't like boys… What was wrong with Louis? "Well, you're still a cock sucker!" The fluffy-haired boy says harshly, glaring at Harry.

Harry gives him a little shrug and a sad smile. "If you say so," he mumbles and looks back over to Louis' table, where Stan is not looking at the two very unhappily. "Do you like Stan?"

"What?" Louis chokes out, his eyes widening. "I'm not fucking gay… I'm not like you, a-a fag."

Harry whimpers and digs his nails against his thighs, well aware of Louis' eyes watching him intently. "Why are you here?" Harry grits out, trying to stop any tears from falling.

"I ask myself that every day," Louis mumbles, turning to look at Stan himself now, before turning back to Harry. "Lucy has a crush on you, " Louis says louder, lying through his teeth. "You should ask her on a date."

Harry shakes his head with a frown. "Uh, definitely not." He has never spoken to her or barely knew her name until not long ago. She doesn't like him, he can tell Louis is lying.

"So you are gay?" Louis interrogates.


"Then ask her on a date!"

Harry narrows his eyes at the girl, who has her hands on Stan's arm, laughing at something the boy is saying.

"She looks pretty happy with Stan…" Harry observes, his lips pursed. He narrows his eyes at Louis and continues to speak, "I think they seem Happy."

"Stan doesn't even like her...Come on, Harry! Ask her out! Now."

Harry's hand begins to tremble, well his whole body does really. He has never asked someone out before, he never thought he would. But is fear of Louis and Stan is so much stronger than this.

He stands when Louis does, feeling himself become sicker with every step towards the table. Louis' hand remains on his back, pushing him roughly there, not allowing Harry to back out even if he tried.

"Why are we doing this?" Harry whispers…

"Because," is all Louis says back, before they're arriving at the table. Everyone turns to stare and Harry closes his eyes tightly, just wanting to disappear.

Louis walks to where he was sitting and motions Harry with his finger to do the same, giving a wink to Stan.

As soon as the wink was done, Stan put out his foot, unbeknownst to Harry and trips the boy.

Harry falls to the ground roughly, whining at the pain that shoots through his arm. His ears fill with countless laughs coming from not only Louis' table, but everyone's. 

Harry makes a move to stand up, his arm clutched in his hand, his eyes wide and teary. He rushes out of the canteen and bursts into tears as soon as he has left the room.

A/N: thoughts? xo today won't be a double update since I have to study. :(

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