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Chapter 4: Divorce


"He has taken everything," Louis speaks as soon as Niall walks into the home. It seems to have been stripped of all furniture and belongings, only leaving a few boxes scattered around the area.

The beige walls are all bare of photos, now only some smashed on the floor. The blonde turns to his friend with a sympathetic look, before pulling the crying boy in for a hug.

"I have no money," Louis sobs, clenching the back of Niall's shirt in his hands. "He is selling the house and I get nothing because he made all of the money," Louis pulls away and sits down on the floor, burying his head in his hands as Niall sits too.

"That doesn't sound right... Especially since he was the one cheating on you," Niall sighs sadly, placing his hand on Louis' thin thigh, the small boy flinching a little. "Look, we will get you a job and you can stay with me until you get back on your feet."

"I have no experience," Louis sniffles, shaking his head. "He'd never let me get a job. Everyone will just turn me away."

"Not true, Louis," Niall mumbles, biting at his lower lip. He always hated to see Louis sad. Nights where the boy would show up at his doorstep after an argument with his soon to be ex-husband, with bruises over his body, was definitely the worst. "I'm sure there is someone out there nice enough to give you a chance, Lou. We just have to find you the right place to interview at! I'll go grab today's newspaper I have in my car and we can have a look at the job advertisements!"


"Hm, " Niall hums, gliding over the black and white page with his finger, his eyebrows pulled together in focus. Louis has his head rested on the boy's shoulder, his eyes fogged and blurred with tears. "Florist? No experience needed, it says, they just need help with the store."

"Allergies," Louis whispers softly, his frown deepening. "Is that the only one I can do? I'm too dumb to do anything else?"

"Not at all, Lou. You're not too dumb, you are extremely smart. You could do any of these jobs without the experience, but sadly you need it on your resume." Niall shrugs and wraps his arms around Louis, holding the host boy tightly.

"Wait, look at this one!" Niall gasps, reading out the advertisement. "Looking for an assistant. No experience needed, just someone who will put in the time and effort and is a nice person."

"Well," Louis chuckles for the first time in a while. "You wouldn't want to hire a dickhead, would you? But yes! This sounds perfect!" Louis begins getting excited, thinking he may have a chance at getting a job.

But then the next words fall from Niall's mouth, "email Harry Styles on-"

Louis' stomach drops and his eyes widen, his mind blanking out whatever Niall is saying. Harry Styles? He hadn't heard the name in years... That poor boy. Louis couldn't possibly apply for the job. It would be embarrassing.

"No!" Louis shrieks out, standing up and moving away from Niall. "I-I can't do that to him, no."

"To who? Harry Styles?" Niall asks, tone lacing confusion. "I don't understand... The job is perfect! You said that yourself! He only asks for someone nice and willing to put in the effort, that's you. What are you on about Louis?"

"I bullied him, Niall... Really badly, me and some other guys made his life a living hell. I can't just show up there expecting him to help me out after all I did to him," Louis paces the lounge room, only stopping when Niall grabs his arm.

"You went to school with Harry Styles? The Harry Styles? The biggest CEO in London?" Niall questions, his mouth parted in shock.

"Yes, Niall. I did and I was horrible to him." Louis sighs and shakes his head. "I'll just have to find something else."

"No, Louis! This is perfect, I bet he pays a lot too!" Niall walks to grab the newspaper, holding it up at Louis' face.

"He would never hire me, what do you not get when I say 'I bullied him'? He hated me! I'm sure he still does!" Louis speaks, now becoming more frustrated, but more at himself than anything.

"Maybe he doesn't remember you! I've seen pictures of you from high school, you look completely different... And your last name is different now..."

"I guess so," Louis looks at the ground with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe you're right. I can at least try?"

"Yes!" Niall laughs pulling Louis into a hug. "Let's get you a job!"

A/N: thoughts? :) xo

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