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Chapter 33: Kick


"Would you like to come over?" Arthur questions Harry through the speaker of his phone. Harry bites his lip to hide the noise of excitement that wanted to spill out. "Dad isn't home..."

The younger flushes red as he continues to walk down the pathway that leads out of school. He had stayed for a little longer so he was able to study without Lesley or his mother distracting him. "Y-yeah, I'll come over. When do you want me there?" He swallows nervously and tugs at the strap of his backpack, his fingers fidgeting against the material.

"Whenever you'd like! Dad leaves at six though, so if you want some alone time..."

"I do!" Harry blurts and chuckles nervously at his excitement. "I do want alone time," he says, voice lower now. He looks around the street, smiling softly at the pretty gardens in front of the elderly ladies home that sometimes comes into the bakery. "I'll let you go now and see you then?"

"Sounds good, Hazza. See you soon, love."

And with that, Harry hangs up with a wide grin. He turns off his phone after a glance at Arthur's picture icon, his heart racing a little. He was really starting to develop feelings for the boy, and he was glad about that as well, he was able to push his feelings for his bully aside.


Harry stops in his step and turns around nervously to meet Louis and Stan's eyes. He glances warily to his side to see if anyone is in sight, but there isn't. "Uh, what do you want?" His voice comes out quieter than he intended it to.

"Listen." Stan steps forward and runs his hand down Harry's arm. Goosebumps form onto his pale, milky skin. "I don't like fags, Harry. And Lewis told me you've got a little boyfriend, is that true?" Harry looks up at Louis who is facing the ground, seeming to be crying, but Harry can't tell.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Harry tells him honestly. "I don't know what Lewis is talking about."

Harry's phone makes a ding sound, signifying a message had come through. Before he could hide it away,  Stan is grabbing it with force and glaring at the screen. "Dad has left early, babe. Come over whenever you like," he reads the message out and smirks.

"He's not- he isn't," Harry gives up, he frowns and he stares at his hand. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" Stan sighs, glancing up at him. His eyes are so full of anger and hatred. And still to this day, Harry has no idea why.

"I don't know, okay?" Harry shrugs and rubs his hands over his face. "I don't know. Can I just go, please?"

"Oh, wouldn't you love if I let you go?" Stan begins circling the boy, eyes running up and down the Harry's body, causing him to squirm uncomfortably. "What are you going to do with your boyfriend, hey? Touch him? Fuck him? Do all those disgusting, faggoty things to him?"

Stan throws Harry's phone to the ground with a "whoopsie." It smashes into pieces, screen flickering on and off.

Harry gasps and bends down to pick it up, but that results in a kick to his face from Stan. The boy stumbles back with a loud shout, his vision suddenly blurry and blood pouring down his face.

His ears begin ringing loudly and he can only hear muffled voices. Suddenly kicks and punches are forced onto his body. He cries out loudly and begs them to stop, but they don't. They continue beating him, creating cuts and bruises onto his milky skin. "Lewis, please," he slurs out.

And then Harry feels it, a sharp pain that starts from his temple and spreads throughout his head and then darkness is swallowing him.


Louis gasps and steps away from Harry, staring down at his white, blood-coated shoe. "I killed him!" He sobs horrified, eyes following Stan. Blood pours from Harry's head, gushing onto the grey, concrete path. "Stan!"

"Lewis, for fuck sake," Stan grabs onto the boy, dragging him away from Harry's limp body. He takes Louis to a dirty, brick wall and pushes the crying boy up to it.

"W-we need to call someone, he needs help!" Louis yells, pushing at Stan's chest as the man presses against him harder. "Please," Louis' voice becomes quieter and he cries against Stan's shoulder. "Please let him get help."

"You were such a good boy." Stan grabs at Louis' cheeks, pressing a desperate kiss to his lips. "So good, Lou. You did so good for me."

"Please help him." Louis looks up at Stan with the terrified eyes. "We can't leave him there."

"Okay, baby," Stan kisses at Louis' neck. "I'll find a way to get the faggot some help... But I have something new I want to try out on you. Its gonna hurt you, but if you want your little friend to be saved..."

"Okay, okay," Louis breathes out, eyes watering. "I'll do whatever you want, just get him help."

A/N: I had to force myself to write this chapter, so I am really not happy with it, but I hope you guys still enjoyed! Leave me some comments, please!

What do you think will happen next?

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