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Chapter 41: Hospitals and Heartbreak


The car shudders underneath the harsh brake as Harry arrives at the hospital car park. He switches the car off with twitching, shaky hands and presses his forehead to the steering wheel with a deep exhale of breath. He wasn't sure what to expect when walking into the building, and on top of that, he had to keep himself calm, even though the urge to cry about the last few days was awfully strong.

He steps from the car and locks it, checking his phone quickly, in secret hope a message or call from Louis would be placed over the lock screen of himself and Perrie. But to his disappointment and somewhat relief, nothing is there, but an email from an employee.

He trudges into the hospital and quickly makes his way to the front desk. The lady pops her gum and types harshly against the keyboard, her thick acrylics causing her to tap two keys at once. She looks up at him, pushing her bleached blonde bangs from her eyes. "Can I help you?"

"I am here to visit... Room 6C," Harry looks down at his phone as he speaks, reading over the message he had got from Perrie. The woman gives him a soft smile and pulls a colourful sticky note from her desk. She writes the directions, telling him people always get lost and passes it over. "Thank you," he mumbles.

The destination isn't far from where he was, just two levels up on the elevator and a walk down the hall before he hears the crying of his best friend. He turns the corner, his face full of a frown. Zayn holds onto Perrie tighter as they look through a window. The man pushes his face against her shoulder, his own shoulders shaking with silent tears.

"Perrie," Harry whispers and walks towards her. She hears him and flips around. Zayn releases her and she runs into Harry's arms, collapsing as soon as they make contact with each other and Harry lowers them to the ground, his eyes welling up with tears.

"I-It's my fault," she sobs and clings to his shirt, hyperventilating. "I fell asleep while feeding her," she cries out between tears. "I woke up and she was turning blue," she whispers the last part, staring up at Harry with the most horrified and miserable expression he had ever seen. He stays quiet for a moment, rubbing her arm to try and calm her breathing.

Zayn walks over, wiping at his eyes. "Thanks for coming in Haz," he mumbles and sits himself down with the two, caressing at Perrie's leg as she lays her head against Harry's shirt. "Don't give up hope, baby..."

Harry watches as Perrie moves herself to Zayn. He watches the soft kiss he gives her and the way he holds her so tightly, but gently at the same time. Like he wants to protect her, but is afraid she will break. Perrie wraps her cardigan around herself and sniffles. "I better," she motions to the window that transfers to Layla's hospital room.

Harry rushes to his feet and helps Perrie stand up. She's weak. She feels so fragile and cold under Harry's hands. Her face is drained of colour, besides from the dark circles that pillow below her eyes. Her eyes have a permanent gloss that fills them, which rims them with a red irritation.

He follows her shaking frame to the window silently and once there has to hold back a gasp. Layla, the sweet, precious baby, lays with tubes and wires attached to her. She is surrounded by a plastic crib and only wears a nappy. "I did that to her," Perrie croaks out, motioning to Layla. "I am the reason my baby is laying there."

"Pez..." Harry pulls her in for a tight hug. "You're the best mum in the world, this was an accident, okay? No one is to blame..." He glances over to Zayn, who has turned away with his hands covering his eyes. "I'll be back, okay?" Harry makes his way over to Zayn, who tilts his head up to Harry when he feels his presence.

"Don't think I'll make it to work tomorrow," Zayn chuckles through tears and then sobs, allowing himself to be pulled into Harry's embrace. "She's my baby girl, Harry. I-I never thought this would happen."

"Zayn, don't even worry about work...She's strong, okay? If anyone was going to survive this, it will be Layla..." Harry assures him.

"Can you take Perrie away?" Zayn pulls away with a nod. "Take her to grab a coffee or something? Just for a while. She hasn't moved since..."


Harry orders the two a plain coffee with milk from the gift shop cafe, which doesn't sell much else. He sits down and pushes it to Perrie, who gives him a short-lived smile and then begins staring at the table, twiddling her fingers. "I am sorry for ruining your weekend with Louis. I know how excited you were."

It's Harry's turn to stare at the table, rubbing over the ridged, take away, coffee cup with his ring cladded finger. "It's fine. This is more important."

Perrie is silent for a moment as she sips on the coffee with a grimace. "Did you get around to asking him?..."

Harry feels sick at the mention. He shakes his head and sniffs back tears that threaten to spill. "No... No, I didn't ask him."

A/N: hi guys, how are you?

I'm sorry this chapter isn't great. I haven't been feeling the best lately and have been struggling to write and doubting everything I do on this account. I just started back at school, so I am a little drained as well.

Please leave me some comments, hopefully it will help me get motivated again. My other books are flopping and I think it would cheer me up. Also, if you're enjoying this book, please give me a follow, I have plenty more books on the go/coming in the future.

What do you think will happen with Layla?

What was Harry going to ask Louis?

What do you think will happen next chapter?

What do you want to happen in the future of this story?

Are you enjoying this story?


It's Your Birthday's prologue has been posted. It's a murder mystery and I am really excited about it, so feel free to check it out!

And I have created a book to make covers, so if you're in need of one, feel free to ask me to make you one! If you have any questions, pm me!

I'm sorry this is such a long message. I hope you all have a lovely day/night! And happy birthday to Hazza as well! <3

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