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Chapter 58: For You


Harry walks into his home, dropping the keys onto the hallway table that is next to the door and pads his way into the kitchen, hand pressing against the middle of his forehead. He immediately begins loudly rummaging through his cupboards and drawers in search of a pain killer to relieve the headache that had been nagging at him all day. 

“Everything okay?” Louis steps into the kitchen, blanket still secure around his shoulders and head. He had lounged in the living room most of the day, watching youtube videos on his phone, and talking to Arthur until the boy had to rush upstairs to get ready for his outing with some guy he refused to tell Louis the name of. 

“Yeah, yeah,” Harry waves him off, voice agitated and anything but kind. Louis’ eyes widen a little and his shoulders slump. Harry glances up from where he is pushing around objects in his drawer and sighs when he sees Louis’ changed composure. “Sorry. I am sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Just have a really bad headache coming on and can’t find anything to help it.” 

Louis shrugs his blanket off and lays it over the kitchen stool. He then moves himself to get Harry a glass of water and motions for him to sit down. “Here, have this and take a seat. I will look for the medication.” 

Harry whispers a thank you and does as told, sitting on the blanket Louis had previously had wrapped around him, one hand on the glass of water and one fisting at the blanket to focus on anything but the pounding of his head. Louis quickly and carefully looks through the drawers and not long later, finds an aluminum strip full of pills. “How many do you need, love?” Louis looks up, his hair flipping backwards. He quickly pushes it out of his eyes and presses the drawer in with his knee.

“Two, please,” Harry mumbles, face dropped into a look of misery as his headache gets worse. Louis snaps two out into his hand and passes them to Harry before grabbing the younger's free hand and rubbing his thumb over the skin there, comforting the boy slightly. 

“Do you need anything else?” Louis asks when Harry presses his head to the smaller boy’s shoulder and whimpers. Louis places his hand on the back of Harry’s head, massaging his curls gently. He tries not to hiss when he feels the scar that lays underneath them. “Hazza?”

“Can we sit on the couch?” Harry asks and Louis agrees easily, taking Harry’s hand and leading him to the living room. They sit for a few minutes before Harry is speaking up again. “Where is Arthur?”

“He went up to get changed for his date… or whatever it is,” Louis replies. Harry nods slowly. “Why did you go to Niall’s?” Louis asks, voice filled with nerves. 

“I got some more clothes for you and made sure Niall knew you were okay.”

“You didn’t tell him... Did you?” Harry shakes his head quickly and places his hand on Louis’ own. 

“I won't tell anyone unless I have permission, Louis. I wouldn't do that to you. This is your thing and you decide who needs to know, okay?” Louis nods and glances down at Harry’s thighs instinctively and Harry notices, pulling away from him. “What?” Harry whispers, voice wavering. 

“Nothing,” Louis whispers back, biting his lip and looking away. “Just know. I wouldn’t-I won’t tell anyone about…” Louis swallows thickly and laughs without humour. “Sorry, blabbering again.” 

“Did you eat today?” Harry changes the subject.

“I had a pancake… And half a slice of bacon. I feel like Arthur thinks I didn't like his cooking. I feel bad.” Louis stares down at his hands, a small pout on his face. "He was so nice to me."

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