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Chapter 51: Pass


"I have liked him since I was 14. I told my—my," Louis stops mid-sentence at the realisation he is saying too much. "Shit I am drunk," he giggles and uses his mouth to fish for the straw of the blue, fruity alcohol.

"He's here."

Louis turns around and his smile instantly drops when seeing Harry... With Arthur. They walk in together, grins on both of their faces, even laughter flowing from Harry at something Arthur had said. Louis feels his chest tighten and he looks to stare ahead instead of at them. "I should—I should go home," he chokes out and clumsily begins climbing off the chair, but Zayn grabs his arm.

"No, Lou. One, I am not letting you out of my sight in this state and two, don't let them spoil our time together, okay?" Louis gulps but nods and sits himself back down on the seat. He grabs his drink and sculls more down as his eyes trail back to Harry, who is introducing Arthur to Liam. His hand is on the small of Arthur's back and Louis frowns, tearing up a little. He faces his head to the ground, not wanting anyone to see the tears that may fall. The thought of Harry with someone else made him feel sick. And the fact Louis is related to the man who seems to be lovestruck by Harry doesn't help anything.

Louis pulls out his phone in hopes of a distraction, but only is met by a message from Stan. 'Stop ignoring me, baby. I miss you. x' Louis looks over at Harry, watching him wrap his arm over Arthur's shoulder and he puts his phone on the bar, leaving the message open. "I'm so hungry," Louis whines with a pout as his stomach cramps.

"Did you eat before coming here?"

"No," Louis snorts.

"Maybe we should go somewhere to get you something? It isn't good to drink on an empty stomach... I don't think they serve food here at this time." Zayn says, looking in the bar for any indication of when they finish serving meals.

"I hate this."


"The fact that that bitch is touching my Hazza," Louis slurs. "He already had his chance, he can run along now. And get hit by a train if he is lucky."

Zayn laughs and nudges Louis' shoulder with his own. "Arthur is lovely, Louis. I think you should get to know him! I'm sure Harry will introduce him." Zayn begins waving them over before Louis launches from his arm and pushes it down.

"No, no, no! I've already met him at my—Harry's stepdad's funeral. I don't need to meet him again," Louis rushes out, panicking. Zayn looks at him strangely, but nods and drops the subject.

Another drink later and Harry begins walking over by himself, while Arthur continues talking to Liam. He crosses his arms over his chest nervously, squinting softly at the two as he walks over. Louis is too busy slurping at his drink to notice, until he hears Harry's footsteps and turns his eyes to him, blinking innocently as he sucks on the straw.

"Hi, Zayn... Louis," Harry mumbles, standing in front of Zayn, who has turned around to face Harry. Louis does too, leg bumping Harry's leg. "Are you enjoying your night?" He asks them both.

"Now you here I am," Louis slurs, missing words as he stumbles over them drunkenly. Zayn holds back a chuckle as Louis tries to wink but ends up just exaggerating a blink. "Missed you, sweet cheeks." Harry chokes out a 'what?' And looks at Zayn with wide eyes and a face full of confusion.

"Are you—um, are you okay?" Harry asks gently, moving to touch Louis' arm, in hopes to stabilise him as he sways a little, eyes blinking lazily.

"Pfft," Louis splutters. "Now you are touching me instead of that cartoon mouse looking thing, I am great."

"Cartoon mouse?" Harry's eyebrows knit together.

"Every day when you're walking down the street and everybody that you meet," Louis sings the lyrics to the show, voice dying down a little before, "And I say hey!  Hey!... You know it?"


Zayn is laughing hysterically in the background. "Arthur is an aardvark, Lou."

"What the fuck is that," Louis tilts his head back in a laugh. He reaches behind him for his drink that sits on the bar and when finding it, begins drinking again, eyeing Harry as he does so.

"Is that your last one?" Harry asks, trying to hide his worry, but failing to do so.

"Yeah," Louis slurs. "I'll be on shots next... Remember that time you looked after me when I was drunk at the bakery? I loved that. You were so cute."

"I'm not cute now?" Harry teases, letting his guard down a little, shocking both Zayn and Louis.

"You are! But now you are more sexy—hot damn." Louis licks his lips and wiggles his eyebrows. He puts his glass back down, spilling it on the bar when a wave of immense dizziness causes him to drop it. "Oh," he breathes out, blinking up at Harry with blurry vision. "I didn't—I um."

Harry leans over him, pinning him to the bar basically, as he picks up the glass and grabs some napkins that had been sitting under the glass to mop it up. He feels Louis fall against his chest, mouth slack against his chest and he rolls his eyes. "Louis, please don't. Come on, sit up," he mumbles, still cleaning the blue drink up. Louis doesn't move. "Louis, I asked nicely."

Harry puts everything down and gently grips Louis' shoulders, pushing him back. Instead of the boy sitting up like Harry thought he would, he flops back against the bar.

Harry stops breathing in shock.

He looks over Louis, whose eyes are rolled back and mouth dropped open. "Louis, darling." He shakes him softly, thinking it must be a joke. Zayn is standing beside him, eyes blown in panic. "Call an ambulance!" Harry cries, checking Louis' pulse. He tugs Louis in for a hug, hands shaking rapidly against the boy's limp body.

A/N Hi guys! How are you today? <3

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- Thoughts on Arthur coming to stay?

- I added a little hint in here on a future relationship that may happen... Any thoughts?

- What did you think of Harry's reaction to Louis' drunk self?

- What do you think has happened to Louis?

- What do you think will happen next?

Please leave me some comments and have a great day/night! xox

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