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Chapter 61: Arthur and Liam


Harry walks into the cramped bar, relaxing a little when the warmth of it sinks into his skin, heating his cold body up. He had just been to his therapy session, which went a little later than expected. The boy looks around the room, and when he spots everyone—Louis, Perrie, Zayn, Arthur, Liam and Niall, he walks towards them, putting on his best smile, hiding the deep frown which had laced his face only seconds ago.

"My Harry is here!" Louis shouts when his eyes catch Harry. Harry chuckles at Louis' drunk antics and waves a little at him. When he gets to the booth, ready to sit next to Louis, Arthur speaks up.

"Harry, this is the guy I am dating." The bashful look on Arthur's face makes Harry furrow his eyebrows and look next to the man. Liam? "You know him, of course, I just thought a proper introduction would be good." Arthur giggles, obviously tipsy from the colourful drink he is sipping on.

"Well, I am glad," Harry chuckles and sits down, glancing over at the two who now are snuggled against one another. "You had me worried it would be someone bad." Arthur giggles once again and leans in to kiss Liam. Harry, instead of watching them, turns his attention to Louis. Louis' glazed eyes drop to Harry's lips and he slowly moves closer, until he comes to his sense and pulls away, quickly grabbing a shot off the table and swallowing it down.

"Have you been crying, angel?" Louis pouts when he turns his attention back to Harry. He lifts his hands to Harry's face and glides his thumb under Harry's wet eyes. "Therapy was bad?" Louis whispers, quiet enough for the rest not to hear, his eyes dancing over Harry's face in search of any emotion.

"No, no. Therapy was good," Harry dismisses and pulls Louis in for a hug. "Your therapy session is next week. I booked it. I also need to talk to you about this business trip I am supposed to go on. I want you to come..."

"I am scared about the therapy," Louis mouths against Harry's neck, the butterflies swarming his stomach and not in a good way. Harry releases the hug and kisses Louis' forehead, silently telling him everything would be okay, and it is proven to work when Louis' sparkling smile presents itself again. "But a business trip sounds fun!" Louis mumbles.

He squeezes Louis' hand gently and nods, before zoning back into the rest of the conversations and asking Perrie, "where is Layla tonight, Pez?" She is obviously quite drunk as well, her and Louis both struggling to sit up straight amongst the others who are somewhat tipsy, but still seemingly quite clear-headed.

"She is at...Mums," Perrie slurs and slumps against Zayn, relaxed face looking over at Harry.

"I need to see your mum soon, I haven't in a long time!" Harry smiles and leans against Louis a little, who is now speaking to Niall.

"She still has your room set up from when we were younger, you know?" Perrie turns her eye line to Louis, eyes narrowing in anger. "After you moved to our house to get away from those low lives who bullied you." The whole booth goes silent, the chatter and music playing seeming to drown out somewhat as well.

Harry feels Louis tense beside him and his breathing stops. "Perrie, don't," Harry tries to keep his voice stern, but it ends up sounding as though he is begging.

"Okay!" Zayn says over-cheerfully, clapping his hands. "We should go get everyone some drinks?" He smiles widely and grabs onto Perrie's hand, pulling her away from everyone and mouthing a sorry as he leaves.

The air is thick, even when they are gone, and Harry can see how hurt Louis was by the statement, even though he has not even fully seen his face. "Can you move so I can go to the bathroom, please?" Louis' eyes are down cast and Harry places his finger under his chin, attempting to make Louis meet his eyes, but he doesn't, he flinches away and Harry can do nothing but sigh, move and let him walk away, seeing as he just wants some space.

"Wanna dance?" Liam asks Arthur, cutting through the awkward smile. Arthur agrees easily and with hand-in-hand, the two walk together to the middle of the room, where lights flash from the floor and plenty of sweaty bodies are dancing.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks, the only one left at the table besides Harry. "If Louis is upsetting you too much—"

"Louis is fine," Harry says softly, shaking his head. His voice is sure but polite. He turns his head to Niall, looking at him in the eyes. "I just—It is hard, I don't know how to explain it. I wake up every morning and can't believe how lucky I am... To know someone so beautiful, but the past is always there and everytime it is brought up, I feel sick. He can't be the same person, it doesn't make sense." Harry begins tearing up again, reciting the words he had told his therapist earlier that day. "I don't know how to feel. Every time I think I am over it, every time I assure him it is okay, that I am not mad, everything sinks in again, and I hate it. I hate feeling like this."

"He feels the same, Harry. I am sure he does. The Louis that I met would never do those things he did to you, what he told me was horrible, but I know Louis and I know he would never cause harm to anyone like that again, so if you are worried about the past repeating itself, don't, okay? He had his reasons. I am sure he will tell you one day, but just know, Louis would have never wanted to hurt you."

"Can we go?" Louis appears once they finish their conversation. When seeing the redness of Louis' eyes and the shakiness of his hands, Harry nods and stands, taking the boys' hand in his own.

"Do you want to come, Niall?" Harry asks, not wanting to leave Niall alone, but Niall just shakes his head.

"I will stay. The love bird's should all be back soon. You two have a good night, okay?"

A/N: Hi, lovelies! How are you all? I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- Thoughts on Perrie having a go at Louis?

- Do you like Arthur and Liam together?

- Thoughts on Niall and Harry's conversation?

- Where do you think Harry's business trip is going to be?

- Do we think Niall needs a partner? If so, who?

- What do you hope happens next?

Please leave some comments and have a great day/night! <3

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