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Chapter 2: Successful


"Is it time already?" Harry blinks back tears as Perrie walks into the room, her eyes already watering, her hand secure on her large bump, that looks as though it could burst in any given second.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Hazza," she strides through the office, pulling Harry into a long, warm hug, one in which they both begin to cry as they cling onto one another. "I promise to come in and visit all the time... I'll make Zayn show you tons of pictures of Layla."

"I can't wait," Harry sniffles, releasing the bubbly blonde. "I doubt I'll be able to find an assistant as good as you...  Can't Zayn stay home and look after her?" Harry whines jokingly, grinning through the pain. "I like you more." 

"Zayn would miss you too much," Perrie snorts, moving to sit on the couch, that fills a small portion of Harry's large, fourteen-story building's, office. "It won't be bad having a change in assistant, though. You'll get to know some more people. Besides Zee and I, you don't have many friends..."

Harry sits down next to her, shaking his head, mock offence. "I have tons of friends. Like... Robbie from downstairs, he is nice," Harry shrugs and looks down at his hands, biting his lower lip in thought.

"Harry, hun... Robbie quit last week," Perrie laughs, resting her head on his shoulder. "If you need me to come back to help with picking a new assistant, I always can. I think you need a man, a hot one. Give you some eye candy."

"Uh, no." Harry stands up and walks back to his desk, followed by Perrie, who pushes herself up off the couch and rushes after the curly-haired man. "All a man will give me is trouble. I need a best friend, someone who can paint my nails when I want them done, someone who looks after me when I call them up at two in the morning, whilst having a breakdown... Someone like you, why don't you just take the job?"

"Men can paint nails..." Perrie points out the obvious, giving Harry a facial expression that reads an almost sassy look.

"I just don't like men being around me... Like guy friends, I'm not used to it, I don't like it," Harry shrugs and sits on his office chair, watching as Perrie sits on the wooden ones the other side of his desk.

"You're Zayn's friend, last time I checked, he is a man," Perrie smirks, motioning to her baby bump, a small chuckle falling from her lips. 

"I met Zayn through you... I wouldn't have been friends with him if I had not met you first."

"Well, okay," Perrie sighs, biting her lower lip. "But history won't repeat itself, H... Look at this place?" she motions with both hands around the room and to the window, which showcases most of the city, from above. "You are amazing, Harry... You've done all this by yourself, those low life people who did that cruel stuff to you, couldn't even imagine having this."

A small smile graces Harry's face, his dimples catering his cheeks, a small, bashful blush tinting his cheeks. "I guess you're right..."

"You guess?" Perrie raises her eyebrows. "After all these years, I thought you'd have known me by now, Harry. I'm always right."

"Of course, of course," he laughs, pushing his hand through his curls. Harry only now notices the sun beginning to set, the darkness falling upon the city he has now called home for many years. 

"I think it is time for me to go, Hazza," Perrie sighs sadly, standing up, readying herself to leave. "Come over anytime you'd like, okay? I will still paint your nails and have girls nights, I'll always answer your late-night calls. Layla must see her uncle Hazza as often as possible..."

Harry nods and rushes to pull Perrie into another hug. "You're always welcome here whenever. I'll miss you so much."

"I’ll miss you more, Hazza," Perrie cried, pushing her face against the grey material of his suit that stretches over his shoulder. "Look after yourself... And you should take my advice, get a man in here. Okay? Try something different."

Harry doesn't speak for a moment, he just nods, silently agreeing with her. Maybe he should change things up a little. Maybe he should face his fears. 

A/N: I wasn't going to, but I decided to post another chapter to show how the past/present chapters work! I hope you enjoy! :)

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