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Chapter 28: Heart Attack


"Shit, shit, shit," Harry mutters when he looks up at the clock, one leg pushing into his skinny jeans, while the other hops around, struggling to hold his body up. He had slept in, which would have been fine if he didn't have meetings all morning, some of which he would already consider missed.

He had spent the majority of yesterday with Louis. Louis painted his nails and he returned the favour and then they baked cookies, cuddled while watching movies and drank way too much iced coffee. But of course, the happiness could only last so long before the embarrassment of not being able to do with Louis what he wanted to because of his scars, set in. So, instead of sleeping early as he should have, Harry drank a whole bottle of wine as he cried, also watching the titanic as he did so, just because.

And now, he was running late, unable to pull his stupid jeans up, he hadn't had coffee, his hair was a mess, and- the phone started ringing. He groans, assuming's it's Louis and hobbles as best he can over to the mobile, answering it quickly and talking into the phone. "I'll be there as quick as possible, Lou!"

"Harry," he hears a whimper and sniffle and his heart drops to his stomach.

"Mum?" He collapses back onto his bed in a seated position, already so worried from just the sound of her whimpering voice. "What has happened? Are you okay?"

"Lesley," she cries through the speaker and Harry automatically assumes he had hurt her and bawls his fists, his jaw locking and teeth-gritting.

"What did he do?" Just as he is about ready to cancel his meetings and go to his home town to beat the shit out of the guy, Anne's soft voice comes through the phone again.

"He had a heart attack this morning. He didn't make it." Harry hears the words, but takes a moment to process the meaning behind them as he sits in shock. Lesley is dead?

"Oh, mum," Harry breathes out, honestly not knowing what to say or do. He can't hug her, he is bad with words and on top of that, he doesn't want his strong distaste for Lesley to be heard. "I'm so sorry... When's the funeral?"

"Thursday. Please come, Harry? I know you two didn't get along, but he genuinely liked you..." His mum's voice sounds so broken, that of course Harry agrees to it. He would have gone anyway, but not for Lesley, for his mum. He may have never seen the attraction, but Anne loved him. And it doesn't matter how much of a rubbish man he was, his mum obviously saw something in him that Harry didn't and if Anne was hurting, so was Harry.


"You missed a meeting," Louis tells Harry. He squeaks when Harry looks around and takes his hand, dragging the smaller into the office with him. "What are you doing?" Louis laughs fondly at the younger who seems in an extreme rush.

"I have an extremely huge, serious favour to ask you," Harry keeps a straight face, even when Louis raises his eyebrows, an amused look on his own face.

"Okay..." Louis squint's suspiciously and crosses his arms over his chest, crinkling the paper that one hand holds. "Continue."

"My stepfather died," Harry deadpans and that's followed by an awkward silence.

"Oh shit, I am so sorry," Louis whispers, eyes glancing over Harry's face in search for how he is feeling. "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm fine, he was an asshole," Harry shrugs, his face remaining emotionless. "But my mum is extremely upset and wants me to go to the funeral."

Louis nods and racks his brain any memories of the stepfather being brought up to him when they were younger. Louis thinks he remembers a bus ride where Harry called him creepy and he frowns at the thought. "Would you like me to clear you some time for the funeral?" Louis asks, stepping forward to place his hand against Harry's.

Harry instantly smiles, intertwining their fingers together. "I want you to come with me... I know it's a lot to ask, especially when you didn't even know the guy, but, I don't know, I think it would be easier with you there... If you are able to, of course."

Louis stills and he swallows, puffing his cheeks out with a nervous breath. He is then chuckling softly, anxiety filling his body. "Where's your home town again? Doncaster, right?... Never, uh, been there." His breath hitches when he looks back up at Harry and looking into those green eyes, how can he say no? "Of course I will go with you, Haz. You need me there, then I am there."

"You're the best," Harry pulls Louis into a bone-crushing hug, which Louis eagerly returns, grinning with Harry in his arms. "One more question?" Harry drags away from the hug, keeping his hand still on Louis'. "Go to dinner with me?" His voice cracks and he squirms under Louis' gaze. "A date, I mean."

"Really?" Louis asks in awe and when receiving an enthusiastic nod from Harry, he instantly replies. "Yes, of course!"

A/N: You can all thank me not being able to sleep for this chapter :D it's nearly 3am and I am so bored- anywayyy, please leave me some comments ^•^

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