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Chapter 17: Next To You


"Do I have to go?" Harry whispers to his step father, who stands in the kitchen, sipping on a coffee. He glares at the boy coldly, nodding his head. "But Lesley-"

"Keep it up, Harry and I'll have to punish you," he smirks slightly, running his fingers through his greying hair. "You know what you have to call me. Have some respect."

Harry cringes slightly at his stepdad's comment and nods obediently, eyes staring at the floor. "Sorry... Daddy, " he chokes out, flushing a dark red. "Please don't make me go... I hate excursions, you know what happened last time." Harry whines and walks up to his stepfather, taking his arm gently, hoping for some sympathy from his mother's husband.

"When the boys were having a bit of fun? They were only calling you names, Harry. Stop being a little faggot and they wouldn't need to say anything." Lesley growls out, slamming his coffee to the bench, almost shattering the mug. Harry flinches and Lesley sighs in frustration.

Tears spring to Harry's eyes and he takes a step backwards, almost tripping over his own feet as he does so. "When is mum home?" He whimpers out, hands trembling when Lesley takes a step towards him, thin frame towering over Harry's own.

"You know she has gone on a business trip, pretty," Lesley touches Harry's cheek gently, smiling when he flinches once again. The man traces over Harry's pale skin and pink, pillowy lips, grinning to himself. "Don't be scared. Go get dressed. You need to be on time for your art excursion." His voice is low and quiet, an uneasy shiver making its way up Harry's spine.



"You will be assigned seats so there is less mucking about," the art teacher tells the students, her old voice barely being able to be heard over the loud boys out the back. Louis, Stan and their crew of course being the problem. Harry rolls his eyes a little at them, gnawing on his lip. He was really hoping to sit alone.

The teacher starts calling out names and just as Harry suspected, he was next to Louis. He wants to cry. Why did Styles and Tomlinson always have to be together? He should have stayed home.

"You coming cock sucker?" Louis whispers with a grin, pushing past Harry. Harry whimpers a little and nods, climbing onto the bus, following Louis with a small distance. "I get window seat," Louis sing-songs, slumping in the chair, his bag on his lap. Harry takes a deep breath and Louis glances at him, a smirk on his face. "You sitting down or what?"

Harry nods and moves to the seat. He twists his body to grab the seat belt earning a roll of the eyes from Louis who doesn't put his on at all. He glances at Harry's arm and smirks, taking it into his hand, not missing the way the curly-haired boy flinches when he does so. Louis wraps his fingers around the bruise, furrowing his eyebrows. "Wow. You and your boyfriend must be kinky. You like being tied up, aye? I can see it."

Harry looks down at the bruise and frowns, ripping his arm from Louis' hand. He pulls his sleeves down, holding them against his hand with his fingers. "Please don't."

Louis scoffs and repeats Harry's words in a mocking tone. He turns his face to look out the window, a huff leaving his thin lips.

The bus begins to start, causing Louis to jolt forward. Harry's eyes widen and he quickly puts his arm out to catch Louis before he is flung into the chair in front. "You okay?"

"Fine. I was fine," Louis grumbles quietly, his cheeks now a crimson colour. "You'd find any excuse to touch me. Such a fucking faggot," the boy mutters out in embarrassment, swallowing thickly. "Fucking disgusting," Louis' breaths become sharper as he leans against the window.

Harry stares down at his hands, fighting back tears. "I-I am sorry... That was wr-wrong of me. I shouldn't have touched you."

Louis hears the boy's fearful voice and closes his eyes with a frustrated sigh. "Why are you like this?" He groans and places his head on the seat in front of them, lightly slamming it a few times. "I swear you're the most annoying idiot I've ever met."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't saying fucking sorry!" Louis snaps. "Just be quiet, Harry. I don't care for what you have to say so I don't want to hear it."

Harry nods with teary and reaches into his bag to pull his phone out. The screen lights up with a message from Lesley.

1 new message

"Daddy?" Louis scoffs and watches with a smirk as Harry places the phone against his chest. "I knew you'd be kinky!" Louis chuckles to himself, shaking his head.

"You have thought about that?" Harry squint's his eyes at Louis, waiting for a reaction.

Louis doesn't reply. He turns his head back to Harry and motions to the phone, "who is that anyway? Someone from this school? More freaks like you?"

Harry shakes his head and shrugs a little. "My mums husband makes me call him that..."

Louis screws his nose up. "That's a bit..."


Louie nods. "Is he like creepy? Or like seriously just really likes you and wants you to be his child?" Louis questions, eyes sparkling with curiosity as he looks at Harry, a little smile on his face.

Harry snorts and looks at Louis with a fond smile. Louis may have been mean but, fuck, he was gorgeous. "Creepy, I guess?" Harry giggles a little, missing the way Louis' smile grows at the sound.

A/N: please leave me lots of comments to wake up to! I haven't had a great day and I'd love it a lot! If you guys could share this book around to get it some more attention, that'd be great too! (: xo

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What do you think will happen at the gallery?

Also, there is some triggering themes in this story, so if you ever feel uncomfortable after reading a chapter, my pm's are always open!

Mean to Me ♡ LarryWhere stories live. Discover now