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Chapter 63: All I Had Left


The breeze through the open door pulls Harry from his slumber. He pats the side of the bed where Louis was, only to find it cold and empty. A panic fills his body and he immediately sits up, hands gripping at the deep red comforter. Louis may have just gone downstairs, or to talk to Arthur possibly. Harry bites his lip and covers his face with his palm.

"Morning, sunshine." Harry parts his fingers to peak between them. His frown only deepens when he sees Arthur instead of Louis. "I made you breakfast. Lover boy ran out so I thought... Why not come up here and get the gossip. What did you do to scare him?" Arthur places the tray of pancakes and coffee on the side table, pills in their little container ready for him as well.

In an instant, Harry is beginning to cry and Arthur stops joking and rushes over to sit on the bed with him. He pulls Harry into his arms, pressing a long kiss to his temple, trying to get him to calm down.

"Hazza. What is wrong? I am sorry, I was joking. I know you haven't done anything wrong."

"We kissed... And I have a feeling he may have regretted it, or-or maybe. I can't say it." Harry shakes his head in shame, pulling a loose thread on the blanket. He lets out a shaky breath and wipes at his eyes.

"Tell me. You can trust me, H. You know that." Arthur's soothing voice makes Harry calm down even more so. He rests his head on the smaller's shoulder, blinking slowly as they both stare ahead for a moments time in silence.

"What if it was a trick?" Harry feels guilty for even saying his thoughts, his chest tightens at thought of that being true. "What if this was his plan? Fuck, I hate myself for that thought even crossing my mind. But, Louis-Lewis, that was something he would do."

"That boy loves you, H. He may have just been worried about what you were going to say, I don't know. But he will be back, I'm sure of it. For now, let's have some breakfast, you can have your tablets. Maybe you need some more sleep, it was a late night for us all."


The feeling of the bed dipping and arms wrapped around his torso wakes Harry up for the second time that morning. He smiles when realising it is in fact Louis, but his eyes remain closed as he lets the slightly older man hug him tightly.

Louis sees Harry's slight smile and begins to speak. "Arthur told me what happened, I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Where did you go?" Harry whispers in reply. He keeps his eyes closed and turns around in Louis' grip, pressing his face against the blue eyed boy's chest. He rubs his cheek against the soft wool as Louis brushes his hands through the younger's curls.

"I went to Stan's house."

Harry stills against Louis. His lips part and heart feels as though it has stopped. "What?"

"And Niall's. Neither were home... I just had to get something."

Harry sits up, facing forward, eyes wide with confusion. His hands shake against his thighs and he turns his head to look at Louis, but his eyes drop to the boy's clothing. A white sweater is what Louis is wearing, a white sweater with a large stain on it. Harry reaches out to touch it with trembling hands. He runs them over the material, his breathing faltering as he begins to tear up.

"It was all I had left of you," Louis' voice cracks as he speaks to Harry softly. "You left before I could tell you. You left because of me and I held onto the sweater all of these years because it symbolised the best memory I ever had in highschool." Harry exhales and takes deep breaths as he bites harshly against his bottom lip, his eyes now stuck on Louis'. "I went to Stan's to get my box of things... I just-I can't show you yet, because when I do, you will know everything and I don't think I can handle that yet."

"That's okay... I will wait as long as you need." Harry pulls Louis into a tight hug, letting the boy cry quietly against his shoulder. "You still look as beautiful as the day you first wore it."

A/N: Hi, darlings. Sorry for the wait... I have missed you all! How are you?

If you are interested in reading another book by me, I have a new one called 'The Left Behind' which has a similar format to this book. I also have another new-ish story, Murder by Moonlight which I put the most effort into. <3

Did you enjoy this chapter?

Thoughts on Louis keeping the sweater?

Thoughts on Harry's thought that Louis may have been tricking him? Do you think these trust issues will ever fade?

What do you think is in Louis' box?

What do you think will happen next?

What do you hope happens next?

Please leave some comments and have a great day/night! xo

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