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Chapter 15: Insight


"M-maybe somewhere else?" Louis whimpers as Stan presses him down against the bed, hovering over him with a hungry smirk. Louis tilts his head up when Stan begins to kiss against his neck. The smaller boys eyes dart around the navy room he calls his own and then they move to the door, intently watching it, just in case.

"You don't want to?" Stan pulls away, rubbing his hard on against Louis' thigh. He bites his lip, his eyes searching Louis' own. "C'mon, babe. We haven't had fun in a while."

"I just don't want my uncle to walk in... And see us. He is homophobic and I c-can't," Louis swallows, moving to rest his hands on the back of Stan's head when the boy's eyes harden slightly, scaring Louis. "You know, who cares?" Louis leans up to capture Stan's lips, moaning softly.

Stan sits up on his knees to unzip his pants, pulling his member out immediately. He strokes himself while trailing his up Louis' shirt to thumb at Louis' nipples. "Always eager to please, aye?" He says to the flushed boy, who avoids eye contact.

"Boys, pizza is here!" Louis' uncle slurs from outside the door, hitting his knuckles harshly against the wood.

Louis pushes Stan off of him and jumps up to the floor, smoothing out his shirt as the older stuffs himself back into his pants, grumbling angrily to himself. "Come on then," Stan pushes past Louis' slim figure, not caring when the boy falls back into the drawers.

After rubbing his own arm for a moment to try and rid of the pain, Louis follows Stan down the stairs of his run-down house. He swallows thickly when he sees his uncle at the table, a beer in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other. He nods at the two boys, raising his eyebrows. "Take what you like Stan."

Louis and Stan sit across from the boys uncle, taking a slice each. They eat in silence until Stan is grabbing onto Louis' free hand once noticing the old man's attention not being on the two. He presses it against his crotch, holding it there as Louis tries to yank it away, almost tearing up when Stan tightens his grip.

The boy grunts in pleasure, covering it with a cough. "Rodney!" Louis yells to his uncle, successfully stopping the actions of Stan. Rodney looks over at Louis, his bushy eyebrows creased as he takes a sip of his beer. "What you want?"

"How was your day?" Louis squeaks, not allowing his eyes to wander to Stan's as he can already feel the glare boring into the side of his face.

Rodney just rolls his eyes and begins to walk off, a stumble in his step. They never got along, ever since Louis' parents had abandoned him, Rodney had always resented Louis, but allowed him to live in his care as long as Louis stayed in his room most of the time.

Louis drops his pizza and gets up immediately, rushing to his room, Stan quickly following in his steps. "You did that on purpose!" Stan growls, pressing Louis harshly against the bedroom door.

"N-no! I didn't! I just didn't want him to see us..." Louis promises, his eyes looking up at Stan's pleadingly. "Please don't hurt me," he whispers, whole body shaking.

"Move. I'm leaving. You're pathetic and a selfish, fat, little bitch." And he does leave, yanking Louis away from the door and walking out. Louis begins to cry as soon as he hears the front door slam shut.

The tiny boy rushes to the bathroom and kneels in front of the toilet, feeling sick with his food consumption. He sticks his fingers down his throat, trying to get himself to throw up the contents in his stomach. It isn't like he does this a lot, but on the rare occasion he can't help himself, he is fat and the rolls and pudge needed to go and just not eating a lot isn't enough to stop the ongoing dread on how his body looks.

His body trembles and his hands get smothered in spit, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. Maybe if he was prettier and thinner Stan would treat him nicer. Maybe he could meet some nice guy who would help all his hurt go away. Maybe he wouldn't have to hide his insecurites by pointing out and poking at other people's own. Maybe he could be happy.

A/N: thoughts? What would you like to know more about Louis/Harry?
Please share this book around, it isn't getting as many reads as my others. xo

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