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Chapter 27: Touching him


"In an orderly fashion, please get on the bus!" The teacher, Mr Hargraves, tells the students standing in front of him, bored expressions on their face. They're all clad in casual clothes, overnight bags hanging off of their shoulders. Today was the day they went on the two night camp to the beach and the students had to wake up extremely early for the drive, and none of them were pleased about it.

Everyone piled in the bus, pushing and shoving to get on and Harry grimaced when earning a sharp jab from one of the players on the soccer team. He had found out that they in fact won that night he left with Arthur, but he is still glad he left with the blue-eyed boy. They ended up talking about Louis the whole night, from the bullying to Harry's slight brush, to which Arthur cooed at when Harry flushed red at admitting it.

He gets a seat on the bus, the spaces around him free, besides from Louis and Stan two seats back. He places his bag beside him and leans his head on the cool window. Outside it was pouring rain, it was cloudy too and Harry really didn't want to go to the beach in this weather, but he had begged his mum and Leslie, and they said he couldn't miss it.

So, here he was, no friends, no warm clothes, and no way of getting home if anything happened.


Harry spoke to the teacher about not going surfing. He couldn't. He needed somewhere private to get change and throw his wet suit on, but of course nobody understood that. But, Mr Hargraves, the youngest of the male teachers, let him off and told him to fake sick if Mrs Val, the older, more stricter teacher were to ask. And that's just what he did.

So now, he is sat on the sand, on top of a towel, watching Louis as best he can without getting caught. He can't help but swallow thickly at the sight of Louis in a wet suit. It clings to his curves perfectly, the outline of his bum popping out and Harry can't help but let out a shaky breath as his eyes linger a little too long on Louis' backside. How was Louis' body so perfect?


"Alright! Three people per cabin we have decided," the brown-haired, Hazel-eyed physical education teacher speaks up, gliding his pen down the clipboard held in hand. He begins reading out names, and of course, with Harry's poor luck... "Harry, Stan and Lewis."

Harry sits there in shock, stilled against the carpeted ground where they were all forced to sit in front of a wood fire, that was in the communal area of the campsite.

"Now, with your cabin group, please make your way to the dining room for dinner. After that, you'll be in the cabins for the rest of the night, with an early rise once again tomorrow." A chorus of groans sound through the group, but Harry pays no mind as he stares down at his shaky hands, that are quickly becoming clammy with nerves.

He follows Louis and Stan to their four-seated table. The tables are quite close together, so Harry is basically back-to-back with the person behind him. A worker at the camp places food in front of them, and Harry nervously begins eating as does Stan, but Louis just pushes his food away and turns to Stan expectantly.

"Can I have it?" He whispers, not noticing Harry watching them. Stan passes him a flask, full of what Harry assumes is alcohol, which Louis quickly takes a swig of and Stan does the same, but a much longer sip. Now that Harry examines him, he already seems quite intoxicated.

Chatter fills the room as everyone, except Louis, eats. The boy just looks at his food, but doesn't once touch it. A while later and everyone is done and told to go to their cabins, except Louis is pulled behind by a teacher, who Harry hears question him about his lack of food consumption.

Harry, who was given the permission of the keys, follows Stan slowly. Stan gets to the door and frowns. "Hurry, I need to pee," he slurs and Harry huffs, jamming the key into the door. Stan rushes to the toilet and Harry sits down on one of the bottom bunks. Two bunk beds fill the dark, red brick and wooden room.

Stan stumbles from the bathroom and smirks a little. He walks over to a sitting Harry and pushes him to the bed. "Fuck, you're a pretty one, aren't ya?" He slurs, as Harry stays still in shock, eyes widening in fear. Stan shoves his hand down Harry's pants and begins to sloppily jerk him off, as Harry begins to cry, squirm and squeal for help, but Stan's hand over his mouth muffles his sounds.

"Stupid teacher," Louis mutters as he walks into the room and gasps in shock. He slams the door shut and rushes over to the two boys, gripping onto Stan's shirt and yanking him off. "What the fuck, Stan?!" He growls and pushes at his chest, his face red in anger. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Thought it was you, baby," Stan mumbles and goes to kiss Louis, but instead, earns a slap across the face.

"Get into the fucking bed, Stan and don't bother getting up again." Louis tries to be brave, he really does. For Harry. Stan has done the same to him plenty of times, but Harry is... Harry. He shouldn't have that done to him. Surprisingly, Stan listens, almost passing out immediately as he drops to the bed.

Louis looks back at Harry, who is slightly shivering in his spot, his eyes leaking tears and face flushed in embarrassment. "Can I stay with you? I'll make sure he doesn't get near you again, okay?" Louis whispers his words, and Harry hesitates, but ends up nodding and allowing Louis to get into bed. It's uncomfortable and awkward, but for some reason, the two feel safe with each other.

Harry ends up getting up later to have a shower, and when he gets back in, almost immediately falls to sleep. Louis, however, lays awake. Sick to the stomach about what had just happened to Harry and the fact that he knows Stan won't be happy with him for pulling him away and slapping him. Louis was going to get into a lot of trouble.

A/N: please leave me some comments! I've been having a bad day, so I'd appreciate them so much!

How do you think Harry is feeling?

How do you think Louis is feeling?

Any thoughts? xo

Please share this book around, it isn't doing great :( x

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