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Chapter 55: Snacks, movies and finding your blades


After both Louis and Harry have had a snack and Louis had drank the water, they make their way to sit in the lounge room to watch a movie, both too awake for bed at this point in time. They don't talk, but the silence is comfortable. And it stays silent until the credits are rolling up the screen. Harry blinks over at Louis, eyes feeling dry and heavy. "Ready for bed?"

Louis nods quickly and Harry turns the television off, as well as the lights. They then both begin climbing the stairs, hands gripping the railing as they pull themselves up. Arthur had headed to bed as soon as they got back, tiredness hitting him quickly. Louis was thankful he didn't have to deal with the jealously of watching him and Harry be so... Couple-y.

"What room do I go into?" Louis asks Harry when they reach the second floor. It's large and has many doors leading to different rooms of the man's large house. "Which one is Arthur in?"

Harry ponders the question for a moment. He was still wary of Louis and his intentions with coming back into Harry's life. He was still shattered because of the lies and betrayal from someone he thought genuinely cared about him...

But Louis is sick. He is sick and broken, and if a part of Harry hadn't fallen for Lewis and Louis, the next words wouldn't leave his mouth. "Would you be comfortable staying with me in my room?... I just—I'd rather have you close in case something happens."

Louis brightens up at Harry's suggestion and nods. "That's fine..." Louis slowly starts walking to Harry's room, knowing the way from last time they were there. He glances back at Harry, who quickly follows after him, eyes trained downwards at the carpet.

They get into the room and Harry closes the door gently as Louis stands awkwardly. "Do you want some different clothes to put on? Or a shower?" Harry sits on the bed and pats the spot next to him. Louis immediately sits and yawns, resembling a kitten in Harry's eyes.

"If I could shower, that would be good... Do you have any different pants I could wear for after?" Louis asks and pinches at his jeans. "They are itchy." He pouts. Harry gets off the bed and walks to get Louis' some soft pyjama pants, finding the smallest pair possible and passing them to him. He then rustles through his wardrobe and finds a tee-shirt for Louis.

"Take this, too. Want to go shower in the ensuite?" Harry motions to the bathroom that is attached to his room and Louis agrees. The small boy locks the door behind him and strips off his pants in front of the mirror. His legs are thin, but his thighs still far too thick. He lets out a shaky breath and places Harry's clothes on the bench that surrounds the sink, averting his eyes from the mirror to the sink. They catch sight of a razor, trailed with blood that leaks on the white porcelain. "No," he whimpers and looks at the door, eyes closing in pain. He caused this.

He turns on the water and makes it hot. He quickly takes off of his shirt and boxers, not allowing himself to look into the mirror as he steps into Harry's shower. He sinks to a seated position, pulling his legs to his chest, to lean his head against them. Louis begins to cry softly, small body moving against the shower floor. "I'm sorry, Hazza," he whispers.


Louis steps into the room, steam fluttering behind him as the heat leaves the room. His cheeks are red and hair is wet against his forehead. Harry looks up at him from his place in bed, where he was reading a book. The moment he sees Louis, all flushed and clad in his clothes, Harry's breath hitches.

"Okay?" He forces out, voice high and strained. Louis nods and holds up his clothes, a silent question to Harry. "Just throw them next to the bed, I'll wash them for you tomorrow."

"Thank you," Louis whispers, does just that and towels at his hair, trying to dry it before getting into bed. "Are you going for a shower? I'll turn the light off if you aren't."

"I'll go for a shower," Harry whispers. He gets out of bed and walks past Louis with a smile. Once he is in the bathroom he searches the cabinet for his meds and takes one of each, before his eyes lower to the sink. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He mutters and grabs the razors, throwing them into the cabinet with his meds. He shuts the door of the cabinet and rests his head against it, lip pulled between his teeth in worry that Louis had seen them.


"I've been thinking," Louis speaks up as they awkwardly lay in bed together, as much space as possible between them. Which was Harry's doing. Louis wouldn't lie and say it didn't hurt when Harry gave him a somewhat fearful glance and pushed himself as far away as possible from the boy.

"What about?" Louis turns to his side to face Harry, whose tired eyes blink slowly, almost overtaken with sleep.

"You said about going to therapy... That you'd help me? I want to... Be better. I'm scared though," Louis whispers, looking at Harry's chest insecurely. "I am not able to... I can't tell them everything."

"And that's okay, Lou... You can tell them what you are comfortable with. You don't have to give out your life story on day one."

"How do you know, though?" Louis sniffles, eyes searching Harry's.

"Louis... I go to therapy. I have since I was nineteen."

Louis' heart sinks and he whimpers out an "oh." Harry glances away from him. "Does it help?"

"It did for a while," Harry chuckles sadly.

"I ruined that?" The smaller cautiously asks, pulling the blanket further upon his shoulder.

"I'm really tired, Louis. I'm gonna sleep now, okay?" Louis bites his lip and sighs, but nods and mumbles a good night.

A/N: Hi, darlings! How are you? <3 THANK YOU FOR 100K! xoxo

- Did you enjoy this chapter?

- What did you think of Louis' and Harry's attitude towards each other?

- What did you think of Louis finding Harry's blades? How did that make him feel?

- What do you think of Louis' decision to go to therapy? Do you think he will stick to this decision?

- What do you think will happen next?

Please leave me some love and comments and have a great day/night, lovelies! xo

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