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Chapter 30: Little White Lines


Niall opens the door with a smirk, eyes climbing up and down Harry's body. "Well, well," the blonde leans against the door, eyes crossed over his chest with an amused look. "First date, hey?... What are your intentions with Louis?"

"Leave him alone," Niall gets pushed out of the way, revealing a little Louis with a big grin. "Hi," he breathes out, checking Harry out with a bite of the lip. "You look amazing," he mumbles shyly, reaching forward to place his hand on the floral button-up shirt Harry wears.

Harry swallows and leans his forehead against Louis', placing his own hand on the wrist of the hand that is pressed against his stomach. "You do, you're so beautiful." Louis wears a white button-up with a black collar and a maroon pair of jeans, held together with a pair of braces.

Louis giggles and Harry smiles fondly. They both begin to lean forward, their eyes fluttering shut. But then Niall ruins the moment, making exaggerated kissing noises that soon turn into moans and Louis groans, pouting at Harry. He turns around and slams the door in Niall's face. "Shut up, Neil!"

Louis grabs Harry's hand and laughs. "Shall we go?" Harry nods and they begin walking away.

"No, you shut up, Lewis!" Niall laughs, obviously joking but Louis stills. He turns to Harry, he must sense Louis staring as they walk and he turns to him with an amused smile.

"Are you okay?" Louis leans his head against Harry's shoulder, holding the man's bicep with the hand that isn't being held by the Curly haired man.

"I'm great."


"You bought me a flower?" Louis says in awe, taking the pretty, pink flower into his hand. They're sat in the car, Louis' leg bouncing nervously. Before Harry had started the car, he had passed the flower to Louis, blushing madly as he did so.

"I was going to bring it to your door, but had a feeling Niall would answer the door," Harry flushes red and bites his lip, eyes remaining on the road ahead of them.

"You're cute when you're shy," Louis mumbles, rubbing his finger gently over the petal of the flower, his heart pounding. Nobody had ever gotten him a flower before.

"Hey! I thought I was always cute," Harry pouts jokingly, glancing at Louis with a fond smile. Louis turns to him and examines his gorgeous face.

"That you are, Harold."


They arrive at the restaurant, Louis' hand held in Harry's the whole time as they walk into the dimly-lit, very romantic seeming restaurant. Louis looks around in awe, but then he just feels guilty. He didn't deserve this.

"Table for Styles, please," Harry says to the waiter at the door, who nods with a smile and grabs two of the menus, leading the boys to the table. "Thank you," he mumbles to the man. Harry pulls the chair out for Louis and then goes to sit across from him. "I wasn't sure whether to make it a fancy or casual date... But I wanted to treat you."

"I love it," Louis tells him genuinely and they both grab the menus that are stacked. "It's perfect, Haz." Harry smiles and grabs Louis' hand, holding them together over the table as his eyes scan the laminated sheet of paper.

"What do you want to drink, love?"

They end up ordering some very expensive, fancy wine that Louis could never pronounce the name of. And then they are ordering food, Harry orders first and then Louis does, shyly asking for the small salad, to which Harry frowns at, but doesn't say anything else.

Mean to Me ♡ LarryWhere stories live. Discover now