Chapter Twenty-Three - Obliviate

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Rose stared at Tom horror-struck, not because of what he had done, but because she was just as concerned as he was as to who had just seen them.

"I think that was Mary," muttered Rose quietly as she wiped tears from her face. "I'll go after her."

Rose shot up from her seat as the realization started to sink in. Someone had just witnessed an encounter they weren't supposed to see. Tom grabbed her arm to hold her back.

"Maybe I should take care of this," he said authoritatively, his eyes locked on the common room door.

Rose's stomach dropped as she knew exactly what he meant by "taking care of it."

"She'll listen to me, Tom," said Rose quickly. "Please, let me handle it."

Tom's eyes locked with hers, unsure of what he should do. He did not want the Nott girl to run her mouth to anyone about what she had just seen. Tom could take care of this easily, without it getting messy, however the girl was Rose's best friend. Perhaps she would be more willing to listen to Rose.

"Fine," he said releasing his grip on her arm. "But don't be seen out of bed by anyone."

Rose bolted for the door. The corridors were deserted. The only light came from the lanterns that lined the hallways. She started running in the general direction to the main part of the castle. Her shoes clicked on the stone tile with every stride. She tried to think where Mary would have headed. How much of that did she witness? She has no idea what she had just seen, so why would she run? Perhaps she was scared and ran off to find help?

Rose rounded the corner, still running and now breathing heavy. She listened for the sound of footsteps, but she heard nothing.

"Where are you, Mary?" she whispered to herself.

She bounded towards the hospital wing, thinking that maybe Mary would go there to get help for Rose, but the hospital wing quarters were completely empty, and there was no sign of Mary or the school Healer Madam Ronan.

Where did she go? Where could she have gone? If she had went to Professor Slughorn, she would have seen her when she passed his office. Perhaps she had gone straight to the Headmaster. Her heart pounding in her chest as she took off towards Professor Dippet's office. Even if she found Mary, she was beginning to grow worried that she would be too late. She would have told somebody by now.

Relief flooded through Rose as she saw the dark-haired girl at the opposite end of the dimly lit corridor. She knew it was Mary, but she did not want to yell for her in the fear that there was a teacher or a prefect nearby.

"Mary!" called Rose in hushed tones, as picked up her pace and ran after the girl. Mary did not seem to hear as she kept her course to Dippet's office.

"Mary!" called Rose again, this time a little louder. Mary whirled around and seemed to be relieved when she saw Rose.

"Oh, Rose! You managed to get away! I was coming to see Dippet for help! Oh my - "

As Rose approached her, she clapped her hand over Mary's mouth. She was making far too much noise and Rose worried that they would be caught out of bed after curfew, which was one of the more severe school rule infractions.

Mary struggled as Rose tried to push her into the empty Transfiguration classroom and out of sight.

"Rose – what are you -?"

"Shush," said Rose as she pushed Mary into the room. She pulled out her wand and used nonverbal magic to lock the door behind her.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" shrieked Mary.

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