Chapter Four - Dumbledore's Warning

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Rose woke up early the next morning to try and finish her Transfiguration essay. Once again, she didn't sleep well. She blamed it on being nervous about Slughorn's party on Saturday night... and because of her strange feelings towards Tom, but she tried to push both of those thoughts out of her head.

She worked quietly in the common room until the sun started to rise, which reflected on the Black Lake and caused a green glow that filled the room. When she finally was satisfied with her essay, Mary and Isabel entered the common room, dressed for the day and ready to head down to breakfast.

"Bloody Hell," said Mary. "Have you been here all night?"

"No," said Rose. "I woke up early to finish, but I think I'm finally done."

"I didn't even finish," said Isabel. "I'll just take the Incomplete and move on. How do they expect us to juggle all of this work and still get sleep?"

"They don't," said Mary as Rose gathered her things and exited the common room.

Mary studied Rose's expression and realized that something was off.

"Are you okay?" she asked.


"You seem... preoccupied," she answered.

"Oh no," denied Rose. "I'm just really tired from being up so late."

Mary and Isabel exchanged glances. Rose ignored them.

"Come on, let's go."

Tom was not sitting at the Slytherin table when the three girls arrived for breakfast, however Druella Rosier shot Rose a rather nasty look. Rose convinced herself that she had imagined it.

Rose didn't see Tom after lunch. He was walking through the corridors with his gang as she was headed towards Transfiguration. Once he saw Rose, his eyes locked on hers. He reminded her of a lion hunting down his prey as he made his way towards her.

"Come with me," he ordered as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards a less crowded corridor.

Mary and Isabel watched, but Rose motioned for them to keep going.

Tom forcefully threw her wrist once they were far enough away from the crowd of students.

"What the hell, Tom," said Rose. She was shocked at her own language, but blamed it on sleep deprivation. "What's your problem?"

"Who have you told?" he spat as he pushed her up against the wall. There was hatred in his eyes, and Rose felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.

"What?" asked Rose worried. "What are you talking about?"

"Who. Have. You. Told," he repeated, but much slower.

"I'm going to need further clarification," she spat back at him, as she tried to escape his grasp, but his strength was no match for hers.

"Who did you tell about my parents?" he asked maliciously.

"Wha - ? I haven't told anyone! I didn't even tell my friends! I would never..."

"Someone knows," he said seethed. "I have never told anyone about my parents, but the second I tell you, the whole fucking House knows."

"Tom," said Rose, panic rising in her chest. "You have to believe me, I swear I didn't tell anyone."

Tom's facial expression relaxed as he looked at her. He released his grip on her and seemed to believe her.

"I believe you," he said softly. 

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