Chapter Twenty-Eight - Druella's Warning

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The winter months melted into spring. It was exactly one month away until O.W.L. exams. Rose had very little free time and spent every free minute with a textbook propped open. Many fifth year students were on the verge of a mental breakdown.

She had missed many meetings with the Knights, to which Tom understood. He only expected her to be there for important meetings; however there hadn't been any since they were all branded. Rose wore large bracelets to cover up the mark on her wrist. No one had seemed to notice.

"Slow down Davies, you're about to pummel those first years."

Rose looked up. She was practically sprinting to Divination, worried she was going to be late, mixed in the crowd with other students, only she had her head in her copy of The Dream Oracle and was not paying attention to where she was going.

Tom Riddle had appeared next to her. His bag was swung over his shoulder and his right hand was casually tucked in the pocket of his robes.

She slowed her pace to match his and snapped her book shut.

"Riddle," she said casually, looking around to make sure no one was watching them too closely. He smirked.

"Why so tense, Davies? O.W.L.s getting to you?" he teased.

"We all can't be Perfect, Prefect Tom Riddle, can we?" she shot back at him.

"I'd watch that mouth if I were you," he said.

"What are you gonna do about it?" she joked, smirking at him.

He shot her a look from the corner of his eyes and he couldn't help but smirk. She wished she could see what he was thinking.

"That book been useful?" he asked, looking down at her Divination book.

"If you're talking about my Divination class, then yes. If you're referring to other personal subjects, then no. Not really."

"Why not?" he asked. "I thought you were supposed to be gifted or something."

She sighed irritated.

"You know I'm trying," she said quietly. "I haven't... seen anything in a long time."

She was careful to pick her words in case anyone decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"You're too stressed," he quipped. "You'll never be able to clear your mind with the O.W.L.s coming up."

"So what am I supposed to do?" she asked. "How can I practice my gift if my mind isn't clear enough..."

"You'll have an entire summer to figure it out," said Tom. "And then you can tell me all about your... discoveries when we return next autumn."

Rose wondered if Tom would keep in touch with her over the summer. She had hoped they would be able to see each other, but Rose didn't know how it would work with Tom returning to the orphanage.

"Where are you headed?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Transfiguration," he responded.

"You'd better head that way then," she said. "We shouldn't be seen together for this long."

They rounded the corner to a less crowded hallway. She suddenly found her body pressed up against the cold, stone wall. Tom's hand was around her throat, but it was not squeezing her tightly. She felt a surge of electricity flow from her head all the way down to her toes. A burning fire of dangerous, forbidden flames lapped at her insides.

"I'll do as I please, Miss Davies," he murmured. "Please don't ever forget that."

She secretly liked when Tom was rough with her like this. She knew exactly what to do to get what she wanted.

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