Letters To Tom Riddle

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11 September 1945

Dear Tom,

You were right. Dumbledore has acclaimed much fame since his defeat of Grindlewald this past summer. Now that the first portion of my prophecy has been deemed true, I fear it won't be much longer until the rest of it has been fulfilled.

I have continued lessons with the Knights as you have requested. The first meeting is next Thursday night. Abraxas has been doing the recruiting for me since I've been busy with my duties. Professor Dippet has made me Head Girl. I guess he decided he would not be taking no for an answer. He told me I'd be following in your footsteps as one of the brightest students to ever attend Hogwarts. I think he was just trying to butter me up. But, nonetheless, he promised me I could student teach under Vablatsky next year. I think she will stick around for another year or so. Perhaps next year you could ask Dippet again about the Defense Against the Dark Arts position? I really wish you could have remained at the school with me...

How are things with you? I'm sure you've already started your position at Borgin and Burke's and I must say, that has been a hot rumor around Hogwarts. No one expected Tom Riddle to secure a position as a sales clerk upon graduation. However, I presume everything happens for a reason, as I'm sure you have your reasons.

Hogwarts isn't the same without you, Tom. I really miss you. I miss our talks. I'm thankful I get to write you this letter and I anxiously await your response. I have no had any visions since we last spoke. Any news about the Hallows? Please write to me soon, if you can.

Much love,


29 September 1945

Dearest Rose,

I appreciate your last letter and I'm pleased that all is well at Hogwarts. However, I do not believe it safe for you to send your visions or prophecies to me through letters. It could easily fall into the wrong hands, so please discontinue to expressively speak of your abilities. If it is urgent, there are other means to contact me. You know my location.

Abraxas has been writing to me as well, and as far as the Knights, I am pleased that the two of you have managed to maintain a working relationship despite what happened last year. Congratulations, as well, on your position as Head Girl. I'm glad that Professor Dippet has finally recognized your true potential, even if you have not. Use it to your advantage.

I would not plan on me returning to Hogwarts next year. I am very invested in my position at Borgin and Burkes and it has provided me with very useful contacts that could be of great use to me. Maybe returning to Hogwarts will be possible in the future, but I highly doubt I will be returning any time soon. As you well know, I have tasks that I wish to accomplish and I prefer to do it away from the prying eyes of Professor Dumbledore.

I'd be lying if I said I did not miss you, Rose. You provided me with a comfort that I grew quite accustomed to, I must say. However, I do know that our paths will cross again soon. The Hallows remain in the back of my mind, but I have no new information regarding them.

I look forward to your response. Keep your head up and your eyes open, Rose and please don't be stupid.


T.M. Riddle

7 October 1945

Dear Tom,

I apologize for now writing sooner. Things have been really intense around here. N.E.W.T. year is nothing to joke about. I'm so thankful I already know what I want to do once I graduate. Mary and Isabel on the other hand are on the verge of a mental breakdown, and the pressure from their families isn't helping. How ever did you manage to survive?

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