Note from the Author

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I cannot express to you how happy I am to be writing for you all again. I cannot express how thankful I am that people are still reading my stories after 5 years. I cannot thank you all enough. 

With that being said, I am SUPER happy to share with you my latest work. It's Harry Potter of course, because this whole quarantine has just sucked us back into that world. LOL. 

This story is about Tom Riddle and his time at school. This idea actually came to me in a dream while I was re-reading the Half-Blood Prince. I find Voldemort's character to be extremely three-dimensional and one of the more complicated characters throughout the whole series.

Now, with that being said, I try to keep things as canon as possible. Tom Riddle will not be changing, we all know how he ends up. BUT, this story will dive into his complex emotions and character. I don't care what J.K. Rowling says about Voldemort being unable to love because he was conceived under the influence of Love Potion... that's like saying children who are the product of rape will turn out to be evil serial killers. So, MY take on the situation is that Voldemort chose immortality and evil over love. 

So, if this kind of thing doesn't interest you, then you should read something else. However, I'm 80 pages in and I'm absolutely in love with the direction of this story and I have already fallen in love with the main character. 

I expect most people reading this story to know the back story of Tom Riddle. He was manipulative, arrogant, charming and extremely handsome. He knew how to get exactly what he wanted, however there was definitely evil inside of him. My point of the story is not to romanticize a murderer, but to portray a confused girl who was so blinded by love and determined to find the good in a very bad person. 

I am not saying these are traits you should look for in a partner, there are MANY red flags with Tom Riddle and I'm not saying this "relationship" between Rose and Tom is healthy in any way. This was just a story I wanted to write, and it could be triggering for some people who have maybe been in an abusive relationship.

This is unlike anything I've ever written before and honestly the first time I truly have ever written about an evil character. Please understand this story may not be for everyone, but I did write from both Tom and Rose's perspectives which I think it makes it a little easier to understand Tom... or at least, my version of Tom. 

Okay, I feel like I'm just rambling now. I'll shut up and give you what you came here for :) 

Enjoy, Rose & The Riddle

Much Love,


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