Chapter Twelve - The Room of Requirement

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Rose checked out the book, but received much skepticism from Madam Considine.

"You be careful with that book, dear. I don't know why students are still permitted to read it," she said. "Lots of nasty things within its pages."

"I'll be fine," responded Rose monotone.

She tucked the book into her bag and left the library. She stopped in the corridor when she realized she had no idea where to go. She couldn't return to the Great Hall. There would be far too many students. She needed to seclude herself away from people, away from Tom.

The Slytherin common room was out; Tom would surely find her there. Her dormitory was out as well because she didn't feel like explaining herself to Mary and Isabel.

Rose wandered the hallways, making her way up to the seventh floor. She had absolutely no idea where to go. She was thinking the further away from the Slytherin common room the better. She found a little alcove by one of the windows on the seventh floor. There weren't many students wandering the halls, considering most of them were still at dinner. However, there were a few young lovers tucked away, hidden behind the pillars snogging and embracing each other trying to sneak a bit of privacy. Rose thought back to the night when that had been her with Tom... only hers was completely unexpected.

She continued walking, trying to get away from everyone, thinking about how she desperately just needed some privacy.

Rose walked to the end of the corridor when she suddenly noticed a door she had never seen before. Had that always been there? She approached it skeptically. She could have sworn that room was just a broom cupboard, but the door was completely different from what she remembered.

She glanced behind her shoulder to ensure that no one was watching as she reached for the door handle.

When she opened the door her jaw dropped. How had she never known this room was here before? It was filled with shelves upon shelves of books. There was a large fireplace in the center surrounded by several squashy armchairs. There were tables and chairs with ink, quills and parchment. There were torches lining the walls, which gave the room a comforting glow. But, there were no students or teachers. Rose was the only person in the entire room. She closed the door behind her and explored the rest of the room.

This is perfect.

She made her way over to one the armchairs across from the fireplace and pulled Secrets of the Darkest Art out of her bag and began reading.

"Note from Author: I must begin by saying, this book is not for the narrow-minded or the feeble. Put this book back where you found it if you are not strong of mind. For many years now, it has been my life's journey to research and document the creation of a Horcrux. As I now lay at my deathbed, it is my duty to pass on the knowledge to those who seek greater power and immortality. Within the pages of this book, I will reveal my secrets that, to my knowledge, no wizard has ever documented. My loyalty has been forever devoted to the Dark Arts and I wish to share my knowledge with my successors."

Rose stared at the word "Horcrux" and wondered what it could be, but she knew if she kept reading she would find out.

She skimmed the pages until she found what she was looking for.

"...the word Horcrux is derived from the French word "dehors" meaning "outside" and "crux" meaning "soul." One can create a Horcrux only by committing the most treacherous act against human nature: murder. In 1764, a Greek wizard by the name of Nefili Phadrea was noted to be the first wizard to successfully split his soul. Therefore, he would be protected from Death if his physical body were to be destroyed. However, there are speculations of other witches and wizards successfully creating a Horcrux before then..."

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