Chapter Sixteen - Flustered

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Returning back to school after the holidays was always a somber affair. Her feelings towards Tom weighed heavy on her mind. Even though she felt defeated, a small voice in the back of her head was telling her not to give up just yet. She felt like she was so close yet back at square one at the same time. She was thankful to get away from him for a few weeks, despite their brief encounter on New Year's Eve, however she felt on edge returning to school where she knew she would inevitably have to encounter Tom once again.

She met up with Mary on the train and the two of them found an empty compartment. Isabel was up with the Prefects, as usual. Rose was clutching Tom's diary in her hand as she gazed out the window as the train pulled out from King's Cross Station.

"My parents know I've joined the Knights," said Mary, unsure how to break the awkward silence that hung in the air.

Rose turned to look at her.

"They think it's a great idea, of course," she continued. "They were already aware of what it was though, due to Cadmus. Needless to say, the family is thrilled Tristin and I have joined the ranks."

Rose felt her stomach lurch, not knowing how to feel about the Nott family. Mary had been her best friend for the past 6 years, but she was now seeing the entire family in a whole new light. She was sure Isabel's family was exactly the same.

"What about you?" Mary asked. "Have you said anything to your family?"

"No," she responded. "No, my parents wouldn't understand."

"Maybe they will one day," said Mary hopefully. Rose didn't want to talk about it anymore. She was sick and tired of talking about blood supremacy. She was mentally exhausted from thinking about the Knights of Walpurgis. She was constantly reminded of her role every time she looked down at the Dark Mark on her wrist. She desperately wanted some relief. She was exhausted from playing the role of an adult.

"What is that book you're always carrying around with you?" Mary asked. Rose regretted pulling the diary out in front of her.

"It's Tom's," she said simply. No way in hell would she ever mention Horcruxes in the presence of her friends. "I've been keeping it for him."

"But what is it?"

"An old diary," Rose responded. "There's nothing written in it though."

"Strange," said Mary as she surveyed the cover. "Wonder why he never wrote anything in it."

Rose didn't respond. She kept looking out the window. She didn't want to talk about it.

"Have you asked him?" Mary asked after several moments.

"Asked him what?" asked Rose, partially paying attention and growing annoyed at her friend's questions.

"Why he hasn't written anything in it?"

"No, I haven't."

"Rose, are you okay?" asked Mary. "You're acting awfully distant again."

"Do tell," said Rose nonchalantly.

"What's going on with you and Tom?" she asked. "I feel like every time you act like this it's because you and Tom got into another argument."

"So what if we have?" spat Rose. "We argue sometimes, all couples do!"

"Yes, but Rose... it's more often than not when it comes to you and Tom."

"Frankly Mary, it's none of your business with what's going on between Tom and I," said Rose. She was highly annoyed. She hated answering questions about Tom. She hated talking about Tom all the time. It's all anyone seemed to care about anymore was her and Tom, Tom and her, Tom, Tom, Tom!

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