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13 December 1967

Professor Rose Mantos straightened the stack of papers on her desk to prep them for grading. This was her twentieth year teaching Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and all of the students had just left for winter holiday.

She sighed as she leaned back in her chair. She was adorned in jade green robes along with a matching pointed green hat. Professor Dumbledore, who was now Headmaster, had requested her presence in his office promptly at 8:30pm. She was unaware of what he wanted to discuss.

She glanced at her wristwatch as she figured the Headmaster probably wouldn't mind if she were a few minutes early. She descended the trapdoor of the divination classroom.

Although she was in her late thirties, wandering the corridors of her school in which she was once a student, always brought back nostalgic memories. Even though she had felt like she uncovered many of Hogwarts' secrets, she knew if she spent a lifetime exploring its mysteries, she would never uncover every secret of the magnificent castle. She thought about the one boy whom she used to know who she was quite certain was the only person to every fully understand the mysteries of the castle. If anyone was ever close to knowing everything about its secret dwellings, there was no doubt in her mind that Tom Riddle knew them all.

She hadn't thought about Tom in many years. He had disappeared for the last ten years and Rose had never spoken to him since she bade him final good-bye.

June 25th, 1956 was the last day she had seen Tom. He met her at the top of the Astronomy Tower at midnight, just like he had said. Although it is said no one can Apparate inside Hogwarts, Tom Riddle always had weird ways around the rules.

He frightened her as he appeared a few feet away. He looked as handsome as ever, yet older, thinner and more rugged. His skin was still pale, but his features were more pointed and defined. He looked taller, but perhaps that was just due to how thin he looked. He wore black trousers with a purple button down and a matching black vest. He wore many dark rings on his fingers, but the one that stood out was the one Rose knew to be his Horcrux. The Slytherin Locket was dangling from his neck and it caused her heart to sink. His white bone-shaped wand was gripped loosely in his right hand. His dark, raven hair was tousled lightly, yet appeared to be perfectly in place. Tom Riddle looked just as she expected and it made her weak at the knees.

"Hello, Tom," she cooed quietly. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he took a couple paces towards her.

"Rose," he greeted, tucking his wand into the pocket of his trousers.

"Why have you summoned me here tonight?" she asked, although she knew the answer.

"You have information I require," he said melodically.

"About the Diadem," said Rose. "I realize that. But, I require information as well."

The smirk remained on his face, but raised an eyebrow waiting for her to continue.

"What did you to do Ms. Smith?" asked Rose with less confidence than she would have liked. "I know the house elf did not kill her."

"Of course the elf didn't kill her," said Tom with a menacing laugh. "I killed that old witch. She was as batty as they come, if anything I did her a favor. You saw the house in which she resided. It was an absolute pit."

"Tom..." whispered Rose. She was caught off guard at how openly Tom had confessed to his crimes. "Why..."

"What do you mean why?" he asked as he laughed again. He engaged in friendly conversation as if he were out for a drink with old friends, not as if confessing murder. "I took what was rightfully mine!"

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