Chapter Twenty-Four - Reconciliation

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Rose was not sure what Tom had done to Mary, but she knew he did something, and a memory charm was at the forefront of her mind. The next day, Mary seemed to have no recollection of the events that took place the night before, but she knew her and Rose had a fight. Isabel was confused, due to the seemingly random hostility between the three friends.

     In the Great Hall the next morning, Rose gazed down at Tom Riddle's end and watched him inconspicuously. He sat as he usually did, without a care in the world, but would occasionally glance up and catch Rose's eye. Isabel and Mary ate in silence and Rose knew she was going to have to confront Tom sooner rather than later to find out what he did to Mary. It was awkward fighting, but not knowing what you were fighting about.

     Around lunchtime, Rose cornered Tom in the library, as he was standing alone in the stacks near the restricted section, and decided now was a good time to confront him.

     "Afternoon, Davies," he cooed casually, flipping through the pages of the book he was holding.

     "Okay, what did you do to her?" she said without beating around the bush. In typical Tom Riddle fashion, he smirked and pretended he did not know what she was talking about.

     "Why would you assume I have done something to someone?" he teased.

     "Cut the shit, Tom," she said irritated, "I know you've done something to Mary."

     Tom rolled his eyes before looking over his shoulder to ensure that they were not being overheard.

     "I just used a simple memory charm on her," said Tom as he snapped the book shut. "I did not harm Miss Nott."

     "That much I figured," said Rose, "But what does she remember?"

     "She remembers the fight, but she does not remember leaving the common room," said Tom. "That's all. "

     "So she doesn't remember what she witnessed?" 

     Tom nodded, as he studied her expression.

     "Well I guess that's good," said Rose finally as she breathed out. Tom noticed the tension leave her body. "But that means we had a fight about you."

     "I do not care what your friends think of me, Rose," said Tom coolly.

     "Yes, but I do," she disputed. "The more of an opinion they have on you, the more they're in my personal business."

     "Now are you finally beginning to realize why I have no friends?" he said with a humored smile.

     Rose did not smile, but she glared up at him.

     "I just don't like people questioning our relationship," she said.

     "Why does it matter?" asked Tom, "it's none of their business regardless."

     "It matters because I feel like I'm constantly lying to them," said Rose, "and they're my friends and I don't want to lose them."

     Tom couldn't grasp the concept of real friendship. To him, having friends was a burden. Friends were an obstacle in life, so he did not have the desire to posses or maintain a friendship with anyone. The closest thing he had to a friend was Rose, but the both of them knew that extended deeper beyond the roots of friendship.

     "Tom, I think we need to discuss why things got so out of hand last night," said Rose quietly, pulling him from his thoughts.

     "I agree," said Tom darkly. "But not here. Meet me tonight in the Room of Requirement."

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