Chapter Thirty-One - Befuddled

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The weather was absolutely beautiful on Saturday as students headed towards the little village of Hogsmeade. The sun was shining; hardly a single cloud in the sky and the air was warm. Mary, Isabel and Rose stopped in Honeyduke's first. Isabel wanted to stock up on Sugar Quills and Chocolate Frogs.

Rose examined the shelves and thought of her brother as she saw the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. She decided to buy it for him since he was too young to come to Hogsmeade. She also bought a package of Cauldron Cakes for herself.

The shop was packed with students, but Rose drew her attention to the door as she noticed Callaway Yaxley enter with a group of his friends.

Yaxley was very tall and lean. His raven hair was tousled and swept across his forehead. He had sharp jawline accompanied with high cheekbones. His eyes were dark and for a moment Rose noticed how much he resembled Tom Riddle. The only different being that Yaxley was not nearly as pale as Tom and he had less muscle tone.

Rose looked at Mary and she was pretending not to notice that Callaway had entered the shop. Isabel seemed to know about Mary's interest in him.

"A little more than interested, I'd say." Tom's voice echoed in her head.

Rose drifted over towards Isabel casually.

"What was that all about?" she whispered, motioning towards Mary and Callaway.

"Oh," said Isabel with a smirk. "Over the holidays Mary's family had a dinner party and invited the Yaxley's. Apparently Callaway was very taken with Mary and asked her out afterwards... they've been – smitten with each other ever since."

"Why hasn't she told me?" asked Rose, feeling slightly betrayed. She had told them about Tom (albeit not the whole truth), but nonetheless she would have expected her best friend to tell her if she was seeing a boy.

"Well, to be honest Rose... you haven't been around much," replied Isabel as she picked up a pack of Jelly Slugs off the shelf. "We weren't expecting you to come with us today. Don't get me wrong, we're glad you're here, but you have to admit... we've been out of touch."

Rose was about to come back and say the only reason they fell out was because Isabel had cut her off, but she didn't feel like arguing with her at the moment. She had her friends back for now and she wasn't willing to risk losing them again.

"I know," Rose finally replied. "I'm sorry. I'm really trying to be better."

"We aren't blaming you," she said quietly. "We get that you're involved with Riddle, but there should be a balance. We miss you."

"I miss you too."

Their conversation was interrupted when Mary bounded over to them, her hands full of sweets.

"Ready to go?" she asked brightly; her eyes cutting over to Yaxley. Rose noticed the faint red tinge in her cheeks.

"Ready if you are," said Isabel.

The girls paid for their sweets and continued down the streets of the village. Rose decided now was a good time to bring up the subject of Mary's love life.

"So what's going on with you and Yaxley?" she teased. Isabel giggled.

"Oh! Umm... nothing really. We've just been talking a little..."

"And snogging?" joked Isabel.


"Come on, you can tell us Mary," begged Rose. "You know all about my love life... time to spill!"

"Okay, okay," said Mary, her cheeks were now bright red. "Well... to be honest, it's kind of like your relationship with Riddle. I mean... I was hesitant at first because he's leaving school in a month. We never had the chance to properly date. And... I'm doubtful whether this will continue after he's gone. He's going to go work for the Ministry, alongside his dad, and I doubt he will want to continue to date a little sixth year."

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