Chapter Seventeen - Retribution

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It was as if everyone in the entire school knew about the Druella incident. Some Gryffindor girls had cheered her on in the hallway but Druella's Slytherin friends have shot her death glares from across the room. The boys seemed to want a rematch to which Rose had rolled her eyes.

"You're the talk of the school that's for sure," said Mary as they made their way to Potions.

"That happened almost a month ago," said Rose. "Why can't they drop it?"

"It was the most exciting thing that's happened around here since the Warren girl died," said Isabel. "What else is anyone supposed to talk about?"

"It's just annoying," said Rose. "I don't need this kind of attention."

The girls walked into Professor Slughorn's class and made their way to their seats. Mary and Rose sat next to each other whilst Isabel sat behind them with a Gryffindor named Euphemia Jones.

Rose looked at the ingredients Slughorn had laid out on his desk and she instantly knew they would be brewing the Draught of Peace today.

"Afternoon," greeted Professor Slughorn. He was adorned in bright purple robes with a matching pointed hat. Rose pulled out her textbook as he made his way to the front of the class. "As the holidays are approaching, I understand this can be a stressful time of year, especially for O.W.L. students. Some of you may be feeling anxious as the first term is ending. Can any of you tell me what potion can be brewed to help with anxiety?"

Rose knew, but did not answer.

"Ah yes, Miss Jones?"

"Draught of Peace, I believe sir."

"Correct! Five points to Gryffindor," cooed Slughorn. "Yes, the Draught of Peace. As you can see I've replenished my stock of powdered unicorn horns so it only seemed appropriate to brew this potion today. You can tell if the potion has been brewed properly if it emits a light silvery vapor."

The students craned their necks to view the potion Slughorn had brewed earlier in the day.

"Turn your books to page sixty-seven and you'll find the complete list of instructions. This potion will be on your O.W.L. exams so it is crucial you learn and read every instruction closely. Be sure not to skip any steps, or else there could be drastic side effects."

"Professor, is it true that if you overuse the ingredients you could fall asleep forever?" asked a boy called Fleamont Potter.

Some students giggled.

"It is possible," said Professor Slughorn. "And it's not a joking matter. This is why it is critical you read the instructions carefully. There should be minimal talking while you're brewing."

Rose opened her book and grabbed the ingredients she would need from Slughorn's supply cabinet.

Students worked quietly and slowly as they brewed their potions. Rose was careful to make sure she paid attention to the exact color of the potion. If the colors were wrong she knew there would be no fixing it.

"Psst," whispered Mary as she nudged Rose's elbow. "Does this look red or orange to you?"

Rose peered into Mary's cauldron.

"Maybe somewhere in the middle," she whispered back. "My potion is supposed to be turning purple but it still looks red. How long is it supposed to simmer for?"

Rose turned around and saw Euphemia working feverishly and looking like she needed a swig of the potion to calm down. Isabel was rolling her eyes and putting very minimal effort into her potion.

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